Doctor Who Fic: Ship Wars at Hour 49

Dec 05, 2011 12:30

Title: Ship Wars at Hour 49
Written By: Evilawyer
Rating: PG-13ish, I think. Maybe?
Characters: Rose, River, Romana II, Eleven, Simm!Master, Amy and Martha. All of them in approximately 300 words, give or take a few.
Disclaimer: The characters in this ficlet belong to the BBC and/or persons and entities associated with it.
Notes: It was dark. And cold. I was bored. And grumpy. This happened.

“He luffs me best,” Rose childishly pouted with the lisp that everyone assumed was caused by ill-fitting braces.

“Rose? What are you doing here,” the Doctor asked as he self-consciously fingered his bow tie.

“Dream on, Rosie,” River countered with a well practiced wiggle of her fifty-first century honed hips. She pushed her mature but still very impressive breasts into cleavage-enhancing position, then ran her hands through her cascade of curls. On her head. “He loves me best.”

“River!” The Doctor nervously tugged at his forelock. “When did you get here?”

“Cougar,” Rose venomously spewed.

“Jailbait,” River snidely countered.

“Actually,” the blond haired, elfin-faced woman in the white jodhpurs and red hunting coat sniffed from the other side of the room, “some people think he loves me best.”

The Doctor spun around to face the latest addition to the ever worsening situation. “Romana!?”

With the perfect timing of a synchronized swim team, River and Rose turned their heads to bark “Back off, bitch,” at their Old School rival before returning to their to-the-death stare fight.

A boyish giggle wafted through the air. “You're all delusional,” the peroxide blond man in the hoodie lounging on the seat nearest the ramp to the exit door said. “He loves me best. Always has, always will.”

“Master, how...,” the Doctor began. He gave up trying to say anything more in favor of taking advantage of the cover provided by the ensuing four-way screech fest to slink out of the TARDIS.

“Ya know,” Amy said as she refilled her and her drinking buddy's champagne glasses and settled herself more comfortably on the top stair of the TARDIS' staircase, “I think we've done all right, picking the fellas we did.”

Martha stared at the distasteful scene still unfolding on --- or rather grappling and rolling around on --- the floor below. “Yeah.” She raised her glass and clinked it against Amy's. “I think we have.”

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eleven, romana ii, rose tyler, doctor who fic, river song, amy pond, simm!master, martha jones

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