Mar 29, 2005 01:10
I miss watching MASH. I use to catch several episodes on TV when they would come on Halmark, but we don't get that channel atm. Watched most of my fav. episodes to death from the DVDs *sigh* I think I has been close to a month since I watched one. I am almost looking forward to the TV series of my fav. shows to end just so I can watch MASH in their gaps..almost. Have a feeling that I will rush out and buy S7 when it comes out only to have it sit on my player for a few months until I can jump back into the fandom again.
I have a headache, plus I am so tired that I want to curl up on the floor so, naturally, I must procrastinate as long as possible because it is not yet 1am -.- I hate myself when I do this.
Mom is currently sick and I am wondering if I am gonna be too because of this wierd meme question dealing with my tongue that I took earlier, but haven't posted yet. (Sorry, forgot to write down who I stole it from)
Type your name using your:
Fingers: Amy
Chin: amy (o.o OMG, I spelled it right! And, no, I haven’t typed with my chin before lol)
One finger with eyes closed: ant *snort*
Cheek: asjh7y
Elbow: amy (my elbow is pointy)
Palm: aqwmn7ty
Back of hand: 3wqk7
Tongue: amy *runs off to disinfect tongue*
Sometimes I try too hard :P
Saw some good movies:
Blackwoods It is an older one. Great acting, wierd filming, and the plot keeps you guessing.
Midnight Cowboy Someone recommended it awhile back (plus posted a *cough* nice picture) and I placed a hold on it from the library. Now I have the theme song constantly stuck in my head (everybody's talking) as well as that Orange Juice on ice (I think that was the title) jingle. I was so into the movie that that scene at the pawn shop almost made me cry. :( And the ending did. Benefits of watching late at night with no parents to try to see what you are watching. Not sure if I will ever want to see it again, but I have the urge to try to track down a copy. Might just watch the beginning (watching Joe walk to that song...I could watch him all day doing that lol), the juice song scene and the 'can't walk' one. Those are a few of my favs.
I really enjoyed it. Very different from everything else I normally watch.
Owww....thinking is becomming difficult....any more movies I have seen...
Can't think of any, but our local video place is having a going out of business sale starting next month and ending when everything is sold. The workers just found out Wednesday :-/ So much for 99 cent Thursdays. Bought a movie poster for a dollar there of To End all Wars (I think that is the title) with Keiffer Sutherland. Hope they sell some of the other ones that are up on the walls soon. I think there are some good ones up there.
Been watching a good anime series: Wolf's Rain. Checked out from Library the first 5 episodes on DVD and have fallen in love with it. Had seen several episodes on TV, but not the first ones. One of the few series that tries hard with the Dub to sound good, though I still prefer the Japanese voices *drools* I hunted on e-bay and bought the series...seller hasn't returned e-mail yet. *growls* I know that as soon as I place another bid I will hear back from him...that is the way it always works.
Anyone hear on the news about the person who has had her feeding tubes removed? for 11 days? Never mind...just realized I am still too pissed to talk about it. Just would have thought that injecting something into her would be more humane...*drags self away from topic*
Okay, I give up, going to bed