Jan 26, 2005 20:46
I was at work today kinda back in my corner working in my little corner when our maintenance guy, Bill, walked in.
"Hey Sarah. How's it going?"
"Pretty good. You?"
"Not bad. You back in school?"
"Yeah. 2 days a week."
"That's good. I went to a business college in Wisconsin. I got my associates in business management but I dropped out to help my dad out. I wanted to go back and get my bachelors but you know." He's 46 now, married, not his first, me thinks, with at least one kid. "My sister went there and she has her masters now."
Just then Wilma, who, as much as I love her, is a complete ditz. "Bill! I've got a paper jammed in my printer!"
After he left and I won my battle with my tears, I got to thinking how many sad stories there were there. (Yes I know it's just a little office and the only people there making any significant money are the Woods family members.)
Judie, the oldest person on staff and probably my favorite person there, was a single mother back in the 60's or 70's. Her ex-husband never paid any child support so she wound up working 3 jobs at a time and still made time to spend with her kids. On top of her kids, she raised her niece from junior high or high school on and one of her daughter's friends who's dad was an abusive drunk. About 5 or 6 years ago, her son committed suicide. Around that same time the niece gave birth to a little boy. Judie is now raising him with the help of her daughter and son-in-law.
Monica and her husband started a cable business which went belly up.
Diane married into money. Now divorced, she's working to try and make ends meet and trying to deal with her two teenage daughters who've never known any different.
Kate, who ties Judie on my favorite people list, has a bachelors in theater. Not that there's a lot of jobs for theater majors anyways...
Julia, single mom of one, couldn't afford to miss work last week even though she was pale, running a fever, and had a horrible cough. She had to send her daughter to school in the same condition.