
Nov 14, 2007 07:34

Yeah, I know...

Ten things to keep you up-to-date:

1. The fucking strike is making me angry, especially because it seems that no one is really interested in solving the problem. And as much as I'd like to wholeheartedly support the writers, some of their actions (trying to sabotage production of already written episodes, dissing non-writers for still doing their job) are downright annoying. Then again, it seems like the companies want the strike to last longer, so that they can get rid of unprofitable deals. Great job, doing that at the viewers' expense. Assholes!

2. Strike-watch (most of you probably already know): Chuck will have 13 eps, Heroes 11, BSG 10 and Lost 8 (EIGHT!). FNL 15, House 12, Pushing Daisies 9. There are different statements regarding Reaper and Supernatural, latest rumor has it there will be 10-12 eps for each, although there might be more scripts ready to shoot.

3. Chuck is just so f**king AWESOME! Loved both 1x07 and 1x08. Great backstory in the former and fantastic guest-stars in the latter. Evil!Marshall ftw! I just love everything about the show and my crush on Yvonne Strzechowski could hardly be any bigger.

4. Speaking of crushes, Lauren Cohan comes in a close second. Although I have to admit that Bela was REALLY annoying in 3x06.

5. I'm also still watching Heroes but since most of my friendslist still seems to enjoy it, I prefer not to talk about it... :/

6. Proof that a second season doesn't necessarily have to suck: Friday Night Lights. The latest episodes were amazing, I loved the whole Mexico-storyline and Buddy Garrity is close to becoming my new favorite character. *g*

7. Sorry, Nathan Fillion, even you can't get me interested in Desperate Housewives.

8. Sorry, Joe Mantegna, even you can't get me interested in Criminal Minds.

9. Finished Arrested Development. I love the show, from beginning to end. There are no really bad episodes, I liked all the characters and I totally dig all the little continuity and meta-things. As for season 3, I loved the Rita-arc (The "Mr. F" episode has the best payoff next to "Pier Pressure") but the final episodes were enjoyable as well. I think those DVDs will stay busy for a while... :)

10. Still not finished with season 6 of The X-Files. The show will get better again, won't it?!

my tv, tv news

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