Aug 15, 2008 08:39
Fall Semester starts next week. 6 days from now, to be exact. It's incredible how the summer disappeared. It was the beginning of the end of the semester when Josh and I moved our friendship to the next level (Mid-April). We decided to just hang out, enjoy each others company, and get to know one another as much as we could before he left for college. 4 months later, everything in my life has passed by so fleetingly. Summer is over, the bookstore is gone, I am settled at a new job, and I'm already deeper in this relationship then I was a year into my last serious one. I guess that was all puppy love when you look at it, though. Immature.
I know none of this makes sense. I can't quite spit it out properly, and it sounds better in my brain, I promise.
I don't know... I just didn't think I would have ever found someone I would connect so well with. Especially at my young age? I don't know why. And I never saw myself going past community college. I really had planned that I would just get my degree, make connections in the process, and then forge into the business afterwards, or get things rolling with my own band. But things change. They always do. The one thing you can always plan for is to never plan for anything. Not completely true, but it's kind of like saying the only thing constant is change. I don't even know what I am getting at.
A lot has happened and I am having trouble processing and relaying that. Any way, I am going to go to Ferris next Fall. If things go as planned. I have to figure out the next step. I think if Josh hadn't come into my life at the exact time he did, I would sincerely be lost. I wouldn't know what the next step would be. I could be moving to Tennessee, pursuing further education there, instead of here in Michigan. Who knows if I even would be furthering my education.
I guess the lesson I am slowly learning is that life lays down a path in front of you, and if it feels right, that's the path you need to walk, even if you weren't originally planning on it. Who knows, I could go through the next 4 years of my life working towards this Bachelor's Degree, get it, then decide I want to be a stay at home mom. You just don't know. But currently, my road is laying itself down the path of finishing LCC, staying in Lansing this year, and picking up and moving to Ferris State next fall to embark on the next phase of my life. And though I can never be sure of the future, I do anticipate remaining with Joshua, and building my life with him. Life is hard enough. I want him to be the person I have by my side through it all.
Is there ever a time when I'm not this deep? *gag*
I do over think things, way too much.