
Aug 05, 2008 09:50

My back hurts... I need to NOT drink when I go to shows. It's too hard to gauge the damage I'm causing to my back when I'm jumping around, intoxicated.

The new job is BOSS! I love working at a coffee shop again. I had missed it so much. I make fatter tips there then I have any where. It's gonna rock, especially when I need to start saving to see Joshua once a month. I had a little cushion of money saved up from the last weeks tips and from yard sale money, but I decided for some reason, it'd be a good idea to spend it! I don't know why, in fact, I am thoroughly regretting those purchasing decisions.

I have this problem with money. If I don't have around $100 in my checking account, I get stressed, and the lower it gets, the more stressed I am. Well, I have been saving my tips and the few bucks I made from the yard sale, and I had $45 I was planning to deposit into my account. Of course I couldn't do that, for some reason. I got a little excited, and ended up going to Subway for dinner Saturday and spent $6, then I hung out with Josh and his pals, and bought Josh and I a 12 pack to share which was $12. Then yesterday, I made $9 in tips, and I went to see our pal Luis (The Secret Handshake) last night, and that was $12. I bought a couple of beers there, $8. Then Luis invited us to iHop, where I spent $8. And somewhere in there, I lost a $5 bill.

So, awesomely, I have a few lonely singles floating around in my purse now. So much for building up that bank account, eh? But I do have 2 morning shifts this week where it's just me and Trish, so I anticipate having another $50 by Friday. That will certainly go right into my checking account, along with the paycheck I will receive that day. No more loose spending. It's completely out of character for me. And it makes me nervous considering I just was approved for and received my first credit card. My only plans for that card were to keep a low balance in case of emergencies. I was going to pay for Weight Watchers with it every month, buy my school books with it, and take myself shopping this weekend for a few much needed clothing items since my weight loss.

I catch myself often saying "Oh I could just use my credit card!" but then I think about what I just said, and kick myself in the ass. I haven't used it yet, and I'm honestly too scared to do so.

Any way, thats the endless ramble of today... money.

In other news...

Joshua - Things are still awesome. We are having as much fun as possible before he moves up north for college. We're supposed to go to his family's cottage at the end of the month before he leaves. We had a talk about my emotional dependancy... :( Everything is good. The problem was that I was not really hanging out with my friends that much lately. Just him. He hangs out with his buddies often, which I am 110% cool with, and encourage. He was just worried that I would ditch my friends too long and they wouldn't want to hang out once he was gone and I'd be lonely. But that's all taken care of, I have been making an effort to see people again, and have been having fun!

Weight Loss - I reached my first short term goal of 10% loss. I have lost 18 lbs. I have figured it out, that I was about 205lbs when I started losing a year ago, and I am now 170. That is 35 lbs!!! I only have 20 more to go! I did kind of poor already this week, though. :( I have drank beer, and ate out at iHop, and I still have a wedding reception to attend this Friday. Eeeek! I'm going to be kicking myself in the ass come Saturday. I know it.

That is all. Sorry to bore you!

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