spiffy day!

Apr 23, 2008 22:30

Today I woke up and checked my work email. Complete peace...no, better than that - everything was back to normal now and running smoothly after the past two days of badness. I had no meetings & I knew I didn't need to be onsite for any other reason. So... WORK FROM HOME DAY - WOO!

Maybe it's just the pregnancy talking, but I was just blissed out - I did some work, then when I needed a break I'd putter around the house. Now the living room is tidy, surfaces are sparkly-clean and I have freshly baked muffins. And my work output didn't even suffer! AWESOME.

Later I went over to the hospital to take a class on breastfeeding. It was helpful, but I can already tell that 99% of the learning will be done once I have the kid. The instructor was great - a minimum of new agey bs and a maximum of good information delivered in a lurrrvely Australian (?) accent.

I was still riding on a happy buzz so I offered to pick up the husband from his class. We went out for pupusas after - tasty food, but we had to suffer through the pupusería's crappy TV choice - WWE, complete with John McCain making the world's most annoying speech, full of jingoistic bs and lowest-common-denominator messaging. Yucch - but it was the only fly speck of bad on an otherwise excellent day.

Hope you folks' days weren't bad -


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