The Way You Are

Dec 01, 2010 10:34

 Sometimes I think i was put on this earth to be tested- then I catch myself laughing at myself for trying to shift blame on things that don't exist.

Work has been crazy and beyond stressful. This also causes me to not want to do a thing when I get home but be lazy. I like food, and I need to control my love of it. I really don't make horrible food choices, I just make up for my good food choices by having too much sugar. I have a horrible sweet tooth. It doesn't help when you're a darn good baker.

Mozart the cat had been having diarrhea for almost a week. Sometimes he wouldn't poop, other times it looked like he was getting better and then other times it sounded like he was peeing but it wasn't pee. :-/  Last night, there was enough blood in it to scare me straight to the vets this morning. He went in and $185 later, he came home dewormed, with negative stool results and diarrhea meds. I have to say I hate spending that kind of money so early in the morning, but I can't put a price on good animal care. I found a specialized cat clinic a mile down the road from where we live and the doctor there is phenomenal. She writes columns for the Orange County newspaper on animal medicine, she's published various cat health books and she's very thorough. There was also a vet tech that was too happy for even me that early in the morning lol, but Mozart loved her, he put his little face up against her shoulder and had a happy tail. She literally couldn't stop telling me how handsome and sweet he was. The doctor also gave me a copy of her book "Guide to a Healthy Cat" signed to Mozart LOL I thought that was a really nice gesture, but after $185- well, it helped to cushion the blow.

Shadow is being a rebel. He had been so good about peeing and pooping outside, now, he's gotten so lazy that he's peeing everywhere. It is really annoying, especially when he has the guts to do it right in front of us AFTER coming in from outside. Ugh. I find myself constantly sniffing around because I swear it smells like dog pee. Beyond annoying. I need to find a good deodorizer. James suggests putting him in a dog cage overnight, but it makes me feel bad. I am not a fan of confining animals in small spaces for prolonged periods of time. What if he has to pee?

Christmas this year is going to be bittersweet. I don't know what I am going to do about gifts and trying to save our money and only one income. I don't want to bust the "I don't have money, sorry" because I know I am a good shopper and I can always end up making stuff. Just going to require extra effort. The nice thing is my family is finally coming to ME this holiday. Christmas will be at the Steinmetz residence!
I'm not prepared to have all of them in our apartment; I don't have cable to keep them entertained, I only really have the big tv in the living room and it has all the game systems connected. Perhaps I can get James to connect the other tv in the spare bedroom/office.

I should really be working...

christmas 2010, vet, mozart, pets

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