Round Two - Fight!

Apr 08, 2010 09:58

I am pretty tired of being sick.

Sinus infection ftl.
Oh, and I have a polyp in my nasal cavity. Horay for me! /sarcasm.

Finally had enough of being sick and went into the docs with a mission; for them to actually do something.
When I went in January, they just told me to take cough medicine and go home.

I had some xrays done of my face and it showed blockage on left side of my nasal cavity.
I'm now on antibiotics and cough medicine with codeine and an expectorant.
Need to call tomorrow to see an ENT Specialist (Ear, Nose & Throat) in about a week.
Apparently removal of polyp is by surgery and I'd have a black eye and swelling LOL Like getting a nose job without the cute button nose. Either way, anything to help with this situation would be amazing.

I have more dress fittings today with Nancy. I think we're also going to go look at a reception place in case she decides to do something indoor. She said if she does something indoors, she'd move the wedding up to the end of this year or January, but I think she decided on that based on one of our conversations. Nancy and I talk about everything, and one of our current back and forth subjects is kids. Of the girls that included Nancy and I (5 of us) only her and I have no kids, which we are fine with but it does make us think about how we're getting older and it's pretty natural now at our age to have kids. A few days ago I was watching Grey's Anatomy and they had an episode based around parenting, kids, having them, not having them, wanting them but not being able to have them etc. It really scared me. Why? Because I am the "we'll wait until X happens" and the X is always a different scenario. We'll wait till we have money, we'll wait till we have a bigger place, we'll wait till our savings account is over this much, we'll wait til you've been at your job for X amount of time, we'll wait till we've gone here or there, (insert another reason here). The problem is, I know there isn't a right answer to any of this. What I do know is my family history and that alone scares me. My sister will be 31 this year; she has been trying to have a baby for the past 9 years and had one miscarriage (onto her second marriage - so it's her). My mom wasn't able to get pregnant until she was 29. Apparently at 27, i have lost a 10%-15% chance of conceiving. All of this scares the hell out of me. I think it scares Nancy too; so she said she was going to try to move her wedding up to this coming winter so that I could start having babies. At first it was comical, because I didn't really think about it. I also didn't want her to move her wedding because I was being paranoid.

I'm not going to sit here and lie about not being scared because I am. Like I told her, I may complain about kids being annoying, troublesome, stinky and gross - but I still want to have one. I think now that I'm married, the idea is a lot more pleasant because he is my husband and I, his wife. We've been talking about kids more often and James calls it 'little us' and it just melts my heart. I just don't want to keep saying "we'll wait till" because I'm afraid that thing we're waiting for will never come.

nancy's wedding, sinus infection, kids, sick, nose polyp, sinusitis

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