
Feb 11, 2010 12:40

So yesterday I spoke to the HR Dept. at the place I had been interviewing for the past 3 weeks.
I am not sure how I kept my cool over the phone, but she called to tell me they were really interested in me and said everyone is really impressed with me, but wanted to let me know that upon further discussion, the position wouldn't be full time. WTF?!?! I made it clear that I was only interested in interviewing for a full time job - just as they posted on their listing. Their director told me he was considering it a full time job, but that the majority of my work would only be on certain days. I told him as well that I would only continue interviewing if the position was full time. I should've taken it as a clear sign when I went to take my proficiency test and the man in charge told me, "What else will you be working on? Will you be there part time?" - but of course, I figured they didn't share much information with him. Either way, I'll take this as a lesson learned: If the interview process takes 3 weeks, run. I told her I wasn't interested in the position unless it was full time, as I mentioned early on in the process. She asked for my permission to keep me on file in case it ever turns into a full time position and in case they need freelance work. I said sure, because as an artist, you want to keep a lot of doors open.

I can't say I'm not disappointed, because I am. I spent 3 weeks running around, getting stuck in traffic and showing up for tests for nothing. Oh well. At least I am glad for the tiny pay increase here. Oh, and our rent went down $10 a month. I really can't complain all that much I guess.

My mom called me to tell me one of the dogs is sick. The female of the group, she's always been a finicky dog- always sick of something. I'm actually surprised she's made it this long. Apparently she's got major intestinal problems, so much so that she has lost all bowel movements and is now on a diaper. Her back is also arching from when she gets stomach pains. We've had her on digestive medication for a year now, but she's not doing any better. While in her check up, they told my mom she's 75% in the grave and that she should consider putting her to rest. I'm going to buy her a pet urn this week.

I can't wait for V-Day festivities... just.can't.wait!!! >.< It is going to be awesome. <3

Mozart has been very mommy-ish with me. He has been glued to me for days. Yesterday when I got home he almost crawled up my leg to nuzzle himself in my neck. He also refused to let me get up from the sofa because he was too busy napping on me and nibbling my ear. LOVE BUG! But I love that about him! I don't like those bitchy cats that have no desire to be around their owners. Lame.

Today I hit the gym for 2 hours. I'd like to think it's by choice, but I need to be there early enough to sign up for the cycling class, so it is dumb to drive 10 mins home, hang out for 20 mins, then drive back for another 10 to be there early enough for the class. It's just dumb. I'll just arrive early and warm up, stretch, maybe jog and do some weights.

Gotta go, got lots to do since I'm ditching work tomorrow :)

bambi, valentine's day 2010, work, interview

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