I haven't spoken to her in a while, but Nancy told me yesterday that Mayra plans to get married next year. I guess we saw it coming, but the sad part was that she didn't bother to tell us (even though we had a clue). Either way, it's one of those things were you really can't be happy about it. It's not saying we won't be there if she wants us there, it just seems like a bad idea all around.
You see, Mayra is what we call a Mantenida, Attenida, in simple terms, lazy, in literal terms - waiting for a man to marry her so he can take care of her.
Through the years, I've surrounded myself only with women who care enough about themselves to never depend on a man. Leslie is a licensed Pharmacy Technician working at a big insurance company dealing with doctors. Nancy is a Senior Administrator at the biggest children's hospital in Orange County. These women are the staple of my best female friends, so go figure. Mayra works the food industry part time and enrolled an ROP type course while she complains about her living situation on the daily. The men she's dated she's only dated for what they can give to her - it was never for what she can give.
Maybe it's my independent streak and pride that won't let me ever depend on a man to take care of me. Maybe it's my ambition to be the better half. Maybe it's the strong upbringing I've had and the intelligence to know that if shit ever hits the fan, that being an educated strong working woman will land me on my feet. Perhaps it is the obvious desire to have things to call my own.
When I was dating Fausto and he broke up with me, years later his mom smacked him upside his head and told him he was stupid for letting go of such a smart ambitious woman.
Arthur was always pretty proud that I never needed any help from anyone and at some point, he was even able to borrow money from me when he was in a tough spot. He always thought it was respectable to know that if him and I ever got married or had kids, I wasn't going to sit on my ass and wait for him to take care of everything.
A relationship is all about give and take. Helping the other when one lands on his back like a lost turtle.
A one sided-wait-for-money-to-land-in-my-hands-from-the-man in the relationship is just how people get stuck in a lower middle class lifestyle. This mindset is how women become envious of the women who get what they want- because they worked for it.
I guess it's simple in my head; work hard for what you want and you get it, sit around waiting and well, you'll do a lot of sitting around. LOL Plus, I don't know a lot of woman who can say they have their own apartment w/out anyones help, pay their rent, pay their own bills, pay for every piece of clothing they own, paid for their own education and don't ever plan on being a status quo female. ;)
I've always liked the idea of wearing the pants in the relationship, being a strong woman and being the boss.
So I've said it, like a fuckin' boss! ^.^
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