Mid Morning Meows

Sep 09, 2009 12:58

I came home yesterday with $50 worth of pet supplies for Mozart and Juno.

Juno bunny got some top notch pine sheddings that I found on sale and some more food for his big belly. James has been trying to get him to run around because our bunny is fat. He is fluffy and soft and I never noticed how much bigger he is because he is just too cute to care about his plumpness.

I came home with a bottle, formula, kitten food, kitty litter and a new toy for Mozart.
I did a TON of reading right before I headed to the pet store to see what kittens usually need when they are taken away from their momma way too early. I sent James instructions on how to make little Mozart pee because he didn't wet the bed the entire night. I got confirmation that it worked and Mozart still needs help peeing.... it also confirmed that he is probably between 4-6 weeks old. James told me not to get attached to him because he is obviously WAY too young to be away from his mommy and siblings. I'm doing my best to be a good surrogate. It took him a few tries to get use to the bottle, but I got the whole burping a kitten on the first try. The best feeling was watching him poop and pee with my assistance; he hadn't pooped in a day and a half, so I was really worried. He woke me up twice to warm a bottle of formula for him in the middle of the night. He crawled and meowed until I got up and took him to the kitchen with me where he purred and clawed at my hair impatiently waiting for his warm bottle. He drank a whole ounce of formula before I left for work this morning and he quickly snuggled into the basket James put him in so he can watch him on his desk by the computer.
We had Juno and Mozart hang out yesterday and Juno turned out to be a BIG pansy. Mozart would wobble over and Juno would leap in the opposite direction. It was pretty funny to see kitty confused not knowing where that big fluffy brown fuzzy ball had jumped to. It made me miss my Shadow. If I could have him home with me, it would complete my life right now.

Half.com says it has paid out my earnings for the books but I don't see it on my bank statement yet, so hopefully money will be in there soon so I can take Mozart in to see a vet.

I got 2 free tickets to the Bride Expo this weekend and Leslie is coming with me to go get ideas and hopefully come back with baggies of free goodies.

My cousin also invited me to Disneyland so I might end up going with her, not sure yet.

My brother's b-day is also next week, so I have to figure out if I am going to go buy a cake or make one. I am not sure yet.

half.com, mozart, juno

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