Show Me What I'm Looking For

Mar 06, 2009 14:03

So, as suspected, gloves are gone too.... and also, some of my gun accessories. My clear eye protection, ear muffs, and magazines for the rifle were taken from my little 'travel' bag - which was a bag that I kept when I wanted to go shooting and just threw it in the car. To say I was upset is really an understatement. I wanted to cry, punch a wall and kick the nearest object. I of course collected my emotions and realized there was no use in doing so. It would not bring back my precious items and it would not fix anything. I stood for a bit in my garage with my hands on my hips and stared blankly at the empty spots. Kinda like when you go to the fridge 5 times, opening and closing it, as if something might magically appear on the next visit? Yeah, just like that.

School screwed up on my address once again and sent my books to my parents house. So, I will have to pick them up in the next week or so. Retards.

I keep having "dreams" (they're really equivalent to nightmares) and they're bugging me.

My body is really sore. I've been lifting a lot and muscles are more defined. I can also see that I could never be a twig; I would gross myself out. I have very visible ligaments in my neck/chest area that I can already see and bones sticking out; it kinda bothers me. I'm pretty sure its only because my body is still in the 'puffy' stage of working out - where your muscles are swollen and look huge. My thighs are crazy swollen and I walk like I've been having sex 5X's a day 5 days a week.

There's still 3 days left in the ebay item I'm watching. I have been obsessed with finding THE perfect yellow dress, especially for the summer since I always tan nicely and canary yellow will make me look uber exotic. I have just never been able to find one that I really like until now. If I win it, I am going to go shopping for the PERFECT red pumps.... maybe a nice white sun hat. :)

I ordered more of my organic hemp protein + fiber mix. I made an all berry smoothie yesterday that was impossible to drink. WAY too many seeds. Gross. I think I'll stick with strawberry/banana and peach/mango.

My classmate Mark has his first display of Artwork in Downtown Los Angeles with another art group and I can't wait to go show my support. It looks like it'll be in a dingy little factory like studio, but of course, it is the art style of LA.

I am looking forward to the weekend because I am exhausted.
I'm going to do the spin cycling class at the gym tomorrow morning. I'm sure I'm going to feel like I might pass out, but I am looking forward to trying it. :) Hopefully Nancy will want to go hiking on Sunday.


My nephew:

My genes will make amazing lookin' babies one day.

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