Juno hanging out on the sofa with James watching tv.
Juno, on my boob, where he LOVES to rest.
He really does enjoy being held more often; he doesn't fight it anymore. I need to clip his nails, they're getting long and I don't want him scratching himself... or me.
On the term of rabbits and bunnies, I have been having extreme sexual desires (fuckin like a bunny - Its why Babsy fits so well). I have always been this way, the sexual partners I've had haven't been able to keep up with my appetite. It isn't to say I've always been dissatisfied; I've just always wanted it every day, all the time, non-stop. When in an intimate relationship, I am like a guy.... I really push sex. I have no shame in asking for sex, or just taking it (in a non-violent way of course lol... well, unless they want it that way) but I always wonder if they think I'm nuts. I mean, my ex told me I was lol and that my desire/appetite for sex was insane. I know this. Even James will tell me he needs to rest or he's going to die and he's a pretty good sport about it... but 15 minutes later I want it again, and after that, again, and again, and again.... it really could be that often; jokes aside. I just wonder if this is the way its always going to be. Seriously, when is my drive going to calm down?
Well, I went for a nice jog yesterday since it was warm. The air felt nice on my sweaty body. Its gym time tonight for some serious cardio and weights. I am planning to eat spaghetti and have wine without feeling guilty.
I can't wait to see my Leslie tonight!!! I have a ton of new movies we can watch and I'm going to go get a new bottle of wine ;)
Also, I'm plotting something. Muahahahaaaa