New Years Eve!

Dec 31, 2008 11:05

Did the year fly by or was it just me?

After work, I am going to pick up some ribs to BBQ and slow cook, make homemade mash, corn on the cob and get drunk off wine! :D Hitting Blockbuster for some movies and hopefully play some Wii and then ring in the New Year with the love of my life. I hope to get a jog in. Yesterday I started feeling really exhausted and tired and fell asleep for 3 hours :( I really wanted to go work out but started feeling ill. I woke up with a runny/sniffly nose and had chills. I took a tylenol and rested for a bit. This morning I woke up feeling groggy even though, upon adding it up, I slept for 10 hours. I want to get out and get some exercise in. I am feeling bloated and in need of a good sweaty jog or hitting the gym for some weights.

I started redeeming my iTunes credit - I went stupid excited over these:

• Beethoven: Complete Symphony Collection
• 150 Essential Classical Moments

ZOMG SO MANY AMAZING COMPOSERS!!! I definitely grabbed both without even thinking twice. I got a few misc. songs for working out... I get tired of the same songs.

Don't ask me how I can go from the great minds of Chopin, Mozart, Debussy to this:

image Click to view

I am just widely exposed to music.

Ok, down to bizznazz.

Upon reviewing my resolutions for the past year I can't say I did everything I wanted to do.

I did manage to:
• Loose more weight • Start a Savings Account • Invest in an IRA • Went back to School • Go OUTDOORS more • Go somewhere New.

A lot happened in 2008 that was very new to me.
James moved in and I realized I loved coming home to him and being 'domesticated' as well as managing to balance my schedules. My Nephew was born and I couldn't love him more. I started school and thought I wouldn't be able to do well, but I have managed to WoW myself and others more with my work. I got a new job that paid me closer to my worth and has been convenient with school. I made friends who support my weight loss views and love to share their lives with me as I do with them. I had told myself no more pets after Shadow until I owned a home, but James and I got Juno bunny who has proved to be a snuggle bug as of late.

2008 was Great, yes it was, but 2009 will be Divine!

What's on the platter:

• Lose more weight; 2009 will be the year I reach my goal weight
• Go outdoors more - hiking.
• Visit and hike in the Grand Canyon in April
• Continue to save more money
• Visit new places
• Enter more Design contests
• Attend an Opera or Symphony
• Wine Tasting Tour
• Read More
• Start two separate savings account; one for traveling, one for a home.
• Graduate with my BA in Visual Communications
• Continue to be a good gf, daughter and friend

I like to think I will do much more, but I want to focus on things that will make me not only feel good, but improve the person that I am. I'll be graduating in October of 2009 if all goes well and I'll be in a stage in life where I will feel fulfilled with my career education but I know I must now focus on my career in a whole new level. I will really start to think about moving out of state towards the end of 2009. I want to continue to be a source of happiness for James and I plan to love him as long as he wants me. I really can't see anyone else I'd rather be with than with him; and I want to explore life and this massive world with him.

I think goals where you feel fulfilled are the best, not the type where there is a material prize waiting for you at the end of the race.

I wish everyone happiness, health, love and peace :)

nye 2008, resolutions, 2009

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