Christmas Re-Cap

Dec 28, 2008 22:34

I got a sweater, a warm fleece suit, gloves (that I specifically asked for lol), socks, $45 in itunes credit (it is so obvious I'm a music fiend), baking dish, flannel sheets and a stuffed doggie (pug). James also said he'd pay for the entire snowboarding trip and that he is going to get me a surprise as an added bonus!

I had something happen to me at 1am as we were all sitting around opening gifts on official Christmas morning and I was drunk on wine. I glanced over at the door and I saw a puppy, it quickly snapped that it was our dogs, the chihuahuas that have their dog kennels out in the back had gotten out. I think I lost it. I opened the front door, ran out in the rain down the stairs (my parents own a duplex, they live in the house upstairs) in my new $40 dress shirt and moms suede shoes (now ruined) and started screaming. My dog was nowhere to be found. This is my almost 14 year old dog who I know will need to be put down in the next 6 months because he's almost blind, is losing his hearing and has a tumor on his ass that is preventing him from being a normal dog. He has such high spirits and still runs and plays like a pup, so the decision of when to put him to sleep is hard. I ran down my parents long driveway to the back and ran through the mud searching their kennel and doggie houses. I ran out and James grabbed me and I started violently crying and my moms face was white as a ghost worried shitless as I ran down the street. I kept calling for him and was imagining the worst. I kept running what felt like forever but was only half a block and found my dog sitting next to a tree staring up and I know he could hear my screams. I grabbed him. Picked him up and dug my face in his fur and cried my eyes out. I walked back in the rain to my parents and my mom was walking behind James asking if I was ok as they saw Shadow in my arms. I stood in the garage as my mom and cousin tried to figure out how the dogs got out and I held my dog and just cried. I had never felt that intensely afraid in my life. My mom kept brushing my hair telling me to breathe and calm down and she kept sighing heavily and saying to my dog "Please don't do that again, you will scare your mother to death" (yes, we're those people that assume motherhood to their dogs lol). When I finally went back inside the house, everyone was staring at me. I was wet, smelled like dog and had ruined my clothes. I took a quick shower and got back outside. James grabbed me and said "Congratulations baby, you win award for the quickest freakout I've EVER seen" and just told me to relax and enjoy the rest of the festivities. He also said if that was a preview as to how I will feel when I put Shadow to rest, he's going to be heartbroken having to console me. I got another glass of wine and everyone wanted to know if I was better. I doubt anyone knows how I am deathly attached to my dog. I would've preferred to have gotten hit by a car than to have a hair on him be hurt. I don't have children, but if this is what it feels to lose a child in a store; it feels like you've lost your mind and you're slowly dying. I had never felt that in my entire life and I never care to feel it again.

It was a great night aside from that. We made tamales, pozole and champurado (all Mexican dishes) and my nephew grew greatly attached to me. James also finally hugged him, twice even which really surprised me but was cute to see him actually enjoying him. James and I woke up and watched 'The Christmas Story' which was on the tv and we laid in bed for a while cuddled up and being lazy. I got to see my BFF as well, which was nice. James and I also took mother to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which was amazing! I really wish we could've seen more movies, but I don't think either of us wanted to spend another minute away from home.

We became homebodies this weekend and left the house I believe once on Friday to go stock up on groceries; the rest of the weekend has been spent indoors. Friday night we played Wii for almost 4 hours. Saturday I went jogging in the AM and then we went for an hour walk in the evening. It was nice and sunny out, yet fresh. Today we have been watching movies and I finally got to see 'The Shining' with a glass of wine :)

I don't want to start work again tomorrow. Boo.

shadow, christmas 2008

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