Too Cool For School

Dec 11, 2008 11:18

HA! LOL I am really excited about my final project. Mostly because it requires putting things together that remind me of Arts and Crafts, though I get to design all the labeling and put a lot of thought into it besides designing all the artwork. Also requires cutting, which if anyone knows me, I suck at cutting. I'm sure I failed in Kinder at cutting in a straight line. Though my teacher thinks its a fabulous idea and would like me to invest more time and effort (this is a one week project assignment 0.0) into it and submit it to a designers competition where the winner gets a free trip to Japan. I also bumped into a former teacher who gave me two handouts with competition submission slips and urged me to submit something. Deadline isn't until late January, so I may try to fit these while on break. :) One week left! Tomorrow I have to submit and present said project mentioned above, Monday is a final, Tuesday is a final and I have a report due on Thursday. I can't wait to exhale.

Work is kinda crazy and I'm convinced the Sr. Designer has me working on a ton so she can chill. Seriously, I dunno what she's doing. James asked me yesterday "Geez! What DOES your Sr. Designer do?!" and I couldn't answer his question because I REALLY don't know. She emailed me this yesterday:
Hi! FYI - She (our boss) just mentioned that at the management meeting tomorrow, the emailers we're working on are going to be examined by the entire company of managers, so she asked that we amaze her with our creativity! I need to find my magic wand!! LOL! I know you'll do a fabulous job :)

Immediately after this email, she asked me to work on another emailer, one that she was suppose to do. *eye roll*

Its going to be freezing this weekend and I cannot wait.
Charm wants to go out Saturday night and since I haven't seen her in almost 2 months, I need my dose of crazy Cambodian and I miss her a ton. Sunday its going to be the coldest day of the week, 58º during the day and 40º at night. It will start to rain Sunday night well into Wednesday early morning, which means snow in the mountains. It is starting to feel a lot like Christmas. :D My mom said dad is going to be visiting my grandmother in Mexicalli, so she wants James and I to spend the night, and I know how much James LOVES his bed, but I really want to give my mom the pleasure of having her kids home for the night along with their significant others. I'm making a list of gifts and who gets what and it makes me sad to see how little I'm giving this year.
I already told James we are going snowboarding for our Christmas present. I told him we'd both pitch in together to make it happen. At this point, I don't have money set aside for it, but if I have to pull from my savings, I don't care, I haven't bought myself anything this year for Christmas, so I think I deserve this. Though I think I'm still going to get something for James because I want him to have a gift from me to unwrap while at my parents.

I'm going to try to do some Christmas shopping this weekend as well as hitting the gym. It'll be too cold out for a jog. I'm going to spend some relaxing time in the sauna at the gym, I've never really been in one for more than 15 minutes, so we'll see how that goes. I lost almost 3 pounds this week when I weighed in for my biggest loser challenge here at work. It was really weird because I've been stuffing my face with wine, homemade cookies, homemade french bread and I even ate pizza this past weekend. I think I might have this figured out, but I won't know for sure until next week when we weigh in again.

James and I came to realize we have a high class rabbit.
Juno has acquired our fine taste. He starved himself for almost a month. He lost weight but we kept him nourished with fresh veggies and hay. But he didn't eat his food. Why? Because I tried putting him back on his normal food he started eating first when I noticed how much I was spending on his previous batch and it was getting ridiculously expensive with as much as he was eating. He protested. He lost weight and he would not eat, for a long while, we thought he was sick and he might die. We went out to the pet store, got him the "Premium Bunny Banquet" that I had been buying him and that mofo ate like there was no tomorrow as soon as it hit his bowl. James couldn't stop laughing and I wanted to punch the bunny in the face. All this time, he would rather starve than eat regular bunny food. After my initial WTF? I too couldn't stop laughing.

I've got to hit the grocery store soon and get some quarters for laundry.
Maybe I'll convince James the reason I'm letting clothes pile up is because I want us walking around the apartment in the nude.

finals, self promo assignment, christmas, juno

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