Weekend Fun

Jun 24, 2008 10:51

This weekend was SUPER HELLA HOT! I swear, I loathe the sun with a passion and it loved me *sarcastic of course* just as much back LOL

Saturday we ended up going to Malibu Creek for some hiking.

The hike in from the road was ok since it wasn't so hot, but come mid day, the temperature reached 104º with the trails having little to no shade at all!! Some areas had steep trails and I could hear my heart beating in my ears! Way exhausting!

Malibu Creek

Rock Pool

Century Lake

James sitting on a rock

Me at a View Point overlooking the lake and mountains

It was a nice place, but you can tell too many people go there. The Rock Pool, although it doesn't show in the pictures, had a lot of trash left behind. Some people would leave bottles, bags, chip bags, cookie bags etc. laying around. It was truly sad to sit on the rock in the creek and see a doritos bag lodged between rocks. It was too hot to hike up to the M*A*S*H filming site since the trail led up another hill and down over a non-shaded area. I thought I was going to pass out by the time I got to the car. I drank about a liter and a half of water throughout the hike. Super hot. On our way back to the car, we saw a family of maybe 10 with coolers, beach chairs and pool toys going to the rock pool... IMO they shouldn't be allowed to have parties there; its no wonder its so dirty. Its really sad to see such a nature filled area infested with humans who only care to pollute it.

We got home, jumped in the pool where James attempted to drown me LOL JK, and then we watched 'There Will Be Blood' which started off really good, but ended really weird. I went to bed super early since it was SO hot.

Sunday we went to my parents and my siblings and I bathed all 4 of our chihuahuas. My shadow for being 13 can still run like mad! It surprised me really, but it was sad to see that I can now outrun him. The bump in his butt, surprisingly, has gotten smaller. I dunno how it happened, and I watched him poop and it came out fine and in perfect 'consistency' so it makes me wonder if he's suffering at all. He's also back to a healthy weight, he use to be pretty fat. He looked happy and we spent a lot of time playing in the yard as we let them run loose for about half an hour. I'll be doing this again in maybe 3 weeks; summer baths are a must for our furry friends. It was so cute to see all four of them laying in the front lawn belly up. :) We then headed to Charms for BBQ and beers; well, not me, I was driving so I was the cook :) Got home, we showered and hit the sheets.

Yesterday I was feeling pretty sick so I skipped school and as soon as I got home, i feel asleep. Didn't get up til much later and James was following me around being so attentive, it was way too cute.
We're already planning our next hiking trip this Saturday. We're thinking more local, maybe somewhere in Orange County. He picked out a really neat place, so we'll have to look into it.

I wanted to go camping for 4th of July, but its getting pretty late to do that and I wanted to really research the place before going. I think we'll hit the Drive-In instead. James has never been and I think he'd love it. He had asked me if there was one nearby, and I thought they had all closed, but I was SO wrong: http://www.vanburendrivein.com/#/movies/ Its only about 45 mins from home :) So I think we'll go then.

malibu creek

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