I <3 iTunes

Jun 19, 2008 10:20

There are phases of music I go through and I'm glad I can get my fix rather easily.
The Classical bug bit me hard today and all I have in my head is Handel's Messiah. I know, very Christian for a non-Christian woman LOL I just LOVE the music compositions and I have a soft spot for singing in unison and beautiful classical voices.... and strings, I love the sound of a live orchestra. I miss Ms. Massey so much sometimes; she was the one who taught me the importance of music. REAL music. I wish she could've been around longer so James could've gotten to know her; they have so much in common. First their love for the piano, secondly their love for raw musical instruments and lastly, because they both believe music that young people listen to today is all trash. I think James might be the only one who enjoys the diverse radio stations set in Nitro. We listen to Jack Fm and The Wave a lot. When a beautiful Jazz song comes on, he'll turn it up and say its a shame more people don't listen to this type of music, instead they listen to songs about men rubbing their crotch on a booty shakin' stripper. Yes, those are his words LOL I laugh it off and tell him its the beat that gets people going, not really the words, lots of people never even know what the song is about, just that it has a good beat.

We were watching Jumper and Handel's Messiah: Lamb of God came on and I saw James plop up and listen, I told him what the piece was and he just smiled at me. The next day before work I stood in front of my bookcase and picked up the only black bound book.... I remember standing on stage behind the orchestra holding it up and following along to every note. I remember when Ms. Massey first mentioned wanting to do Handel's Messiah as our Christmas concert and all I kept thinking was "How am I going to learn all the words to these compositions?" and I remember her looking at me and laughing while I probably looked terrified and she said "Silly girl, you don't do something like Handel's Messiah without music sheet to follow" so I was relieved to know we were all going to have the book on stands. I was saddened it had to be held in Lynwood... I think only the singers families showed up because no one knew anything about classical music. I think my mom left halfway through it because 'opera music gave her a headache' and sure, we weren't the best because we were just high school students who had never really done anything like this. But I'm thankful I did it.

I bought the London Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir performing Handel's Messiah for $5.99 on iTunes. I couldn't let that pass me by.

I started painting yesterday in class but only had an hour worth of class between breaks and having my print class. I'm doing a bit of Jackson Pollock and Modern Dot Art combination for a Mac advertisement done on canvas with acrylics. I came home with the base kinda done and James decided he should try his hand at painting. This excites me! I told him we could go buy paints NOW and just paint together. I'm looking forward to that, I really am. We played some golf yesterday and its scary how I can fluently use golf terminology and understand it LOL I understand the scoring and am sad to say I score double bogey's like no joke :P I did make an Eagle once which I think James and I both jumped up in joy! My teacher asked me for thumbnails of my work from last term because she was very impressed with my work, she wanted to put it in her student portfolio. Sweet. Another dude in class was like "OH! You did those penguins out in the hall?" it was pretty neat to know people pay attention to my work :) Then a new student walked out to my car with me asking me questions on how I do some of my artwork; its such a great feeling, I had never had anyone really refer to me as an artist who didn't already know me.

I'm getting my Jack Johnson tickets tomorrow! This way Saturday can still be well spent in Malibu :) James and I are going to go hiking and I'm really looking forward to the creek, volcanic rock formations and being out in the middle of nowhere! We're seriously thinking of camping for 4th of July, just haven't found a nice cool spot for it. I started a gift registry on REI.com for all the things we'll need in the next 2 years. Its getting pretty long LOL

Back to work... its our boss' b-day and we have tons to put together.

handel's messiah, painting, art

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