I don't normally do this

Feb 11, 2006 14:52

I barely post on this thing, mostly because I feel journals and diaries are a giant waste of time. Well I've got plenty of time to waste.

Too much shit has been going on. I take my buddy Austin to his court hearing (this is his 4th) for violating his probation. You see Austin got caught smoking weed and has to urine in a cup ever so often to show that he's "clean" Well without a car he found this difficult and missed his 'drop' on many occasions. I sat down with him in the courtroom and watched as people were sentenced all the while waiting for Austin's trial. It took about an hour to get to Austin and when he stood at the stand the judge tore him a new one. I really can't blame the judge though, Austin did fuck up on a number of occasions, all he had to do was call his probation officer and tell him he couldn't make it, how hard is that? Austin promised that this would be the last time he would see him, the judge retorted with "Austin, this is the 4th time you've said that to me." The other people on the benches snickered and knew he was about to get it. Of course he did, he was sentenced to 30 days in jail, do not pass go, do not get 200 dollars and certainly do not make it to your disability test. I watched as the baliff cuffed his ass and took him away. I promptly got up and left the court house.
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