To people in my Loreto Circle: all packages (with the exception of
fairnymph's due to bottle issues) have gone out! Here are the DC #s:
habiliments: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5259
lostillusions: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5198
windbourne: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5242
edenssixthscent: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5181
b8g8: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5211
finefocus: International; no DC.
v82gr8: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5235
skitz_phenom: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5266
morpheus0013: 0309
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Comments 9
I was thinking - should we have a little swap depot, where if people's custom scents don't work on one person, they could swap 'em back, or something? It seems sort of heartless to send the vials out into the world when they could go back to the person who created them, y'know? :)
And I think a little swap depot would be really cool! I can try to make a post one of these days, or someone else can. I'd love to hear your thoughts on them!
JUST the news i needed to make a craptacular day significantly better.
I have sniffed all, and even the ones i thought might not work at ALL, like 9 and 7, all smell remarkably good in the vial. I can't wait to test on skin!
also, #13 is EXACTLY like laying in the middle of my back yard. YAY! I will be treasuring that come winter.
And yeah, I was totally digging #13. I was even thinking about the possibility of ordering some (or something very like it) for myself in the future. I'm glad it came out like you wanted it to! Loreto rocks.
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