To people in my Loreto Circle: all packages (with the exception of
fairnymph's due to bottle issues) have gone out! Here are the DC #s:
habiliments: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5259
lostillusions: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5198
windbourne: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5242
edenssixthscent: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5181
b8g8: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5211
finefocus: International; no DC.
v82gr8: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5235
skitz_phenom: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5266
morpheus0013: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5228
eridan: 0309 2880 0002 2636 5204
I feel like I might have ended up with one extra decant... if you get your package and it's missing something, please let me know! Otherwise, I could just be going crazy.
Thanks, guys! I hope everyone enjoys them!