Jan 20, 2008 13:29
I went to see Juno again, and I saw it in a completely new light.
The prospect of finding someone who will love me with no desire for me to change no longer disappoints me.
The first time I heard that, I was settling, and I knew it. I knew for a very long time that he was nowhere near good enough for me, but I also knew that some version of him was. So I pressed on.
It always brings me back to a sincere appreciation for all the shit I've dealt with in my life.
Sometimes I try to remember what it felt like to see words before I knew how to read; I can't.
I can't remember what my world was like when things were so mysterious.
I do remember my life before real loss, though.
I remember looking back and thinking how easy life had been so far.
I was young, naive, and had nothing to compare my chronic contentment to.
Life was dull and colors were muted.
Now my world is bright.
Enjoying the highs of happiness means so much more when you know just how far and deep the pit of despair lies below.