Apr 19, 2011 07:31

#01 - Comfort
After she cut her hand, Hawke took it and healed and he didn't even know her yet and didn't Humans not like Blood magic? The other one didn't and neither did the other elf. That made her sad, she liked meeting other elves.

#02 - Kiss
She'd never kissed anyone, but she thought about it. A lot. Now, these days. Mostly Hawke. Just a little bit Fenris, but he was so mean he'd probably bite her. How strange...

#03 - Soft
Hawke had gone back and gotten some of her things. When the Halla died, sometimes they got to keep their skins. She had one for her bed... she missed their Halla... she missed her clan. It was the only soft thing on her bed. It was like sleeping on stone sometimes, she swore.

#04 - Pain
Da'len, Lethallin, Lethallan... she'd never hear those words unless she spoke them. These flat-ears didn't know what it meant... It hurt. It hurt more than anything, why didn't they love her like she loved them.

#05 - Potatoes
She liked potatoes. She liked digging them up. Here she could buy them. Too expensive,she missed digging and growing inthe summer place where there were no Shems to drive them off. Good stewed or baked. Just good.

#06 - Rain
Nothing like a good bit of rain, but oh my, this storm was a bit angrier than most. She prayed to the Creators, shouted really. Everyone in the Alienage thought she was crazy, but Hawke had come to see her and he prayed too... or cursed. She couldn't hear. The storm was loud.

#07 - Chocolate
Oh she'd never had it, but she liked it. Did Hawke have more? Did Varric have more? It was amazing. Amazing! She wished she could share it with... her clan... She liked chocolate. A lot.

#08 - Happiness
There was a butterfly today! And Hawke came to visit and there were kittens and she managed not to get lost! A good day!

#09 - Telephone
Hawke had an idea for a device where you can talk to people far away. She didn't understand at all what he meant, but he draws really pretty even if it is on a tavern table and the lights low and Hawke is drunk. Again.

#10 - Ears
Hawke said he loved them. It made her blush, right to the tips. He said he liked Fenris's ears too and he'd just looked away. She'd always thought her ears were too big, well not as big as her eyes were big, but big and Hawke said he liked them! He liked them, she liked them... Hawke was so... kind.

#11 - Name
Hawke had a strange name. He did. It made it sound like you were saying crazy or craze or something, but he wasn't that crazy, just a bit strange. Merrill meant something, but she didn't remember, a shame she knew, but not everything about elves meant something elvish... though Fenris was probably named after the Dread Wolf, he didn't want to hear it though.

#12 - Sensual
When Hawke traced his fingers over her tattoos she'd never felt anything like it in the world. Anything. Ever.

#13 - Death
Hawke's mother died. From Blood magic. But he didn't seem mad, just upset and he said it wasn't the magic, it was the people, but he did seem very sad. We talked and we sat and maybe, just more than a bit she loved him. Alot.Maybe more than clan...

#14 - Sex
Well she'd never... ever... and she didn't even ever think it'd be a human. She kind of did like... um... well she hadn't liked anyone from the clan this much and Hawke was so sweet and it was just... perfect.

#15 - Touch
Hawke touched her ears, Hawke touched her blood writing, Hawke touched her. When they walked around, he held her hand. She liked that the best.

#16 - Weakness
Flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. When she was younger she'd always wander off the trails, but now she didn't have to. Hawke brought her flowers and began growing some in his back area, just for her. She loved them. Hawke said he'd get flower Blood writing, just so she'd love him more. She didn't think it was possible.

#17 - Tears
The mirror wasn't working like she wanted. Nothing was working like she wanted. She didn't want to see Hawke she wanted to be alone.

#18 - Speed
Hn, that Anders sure moved in fast. It's not like she didn't know or didn't like him, but Hawke didn't really have to leave her alone, she didn't really mean it. Oh, hurry and come back to Merrill Hawke...

#19 - Wind
She liked standing on the walls at the docks because of the wind, but she also hated it because it smelled like fish. Fenris hated fish, he would have hated Ferelden. Fish was good sometimes... she usually burned her.

#20 - Freedom
A whole garden to run and to frolick through! It was so lovely! It was wonderful! She'd come and run here all the time... wait, what? It belongs to the Viscount?

#21 - Life
Merrill was supposed to be shopping, but the kittens were precious. She remember the story about Anders's Knight kitty... maybe he'd want one...

#22 - Jealousy
Anders... Anders hated blood magic and blood mages so how could Hawke even stand to be near him? Jealousy wasn't good, the Keepr had always told her...

#23 - Hands
When Hawke held her hand, she could feel his blood scar. Though it could be healed with magic, it was, after the first time, the easiest place to cut for a blood spell. She liked the feeling and she knew he liked the feeling too. He'd seen all the cuts on her hands, he kissed them, he loved them.

#24 - Taste
Isabela liked spicy food that Merrill just couldn't handle. It made her sneeze and it made Isabela laugh. To her, the best spice was maybe salt.

#25 - Devotion
Merrill prayed daily to the Creators. She didn't understand why Sebastian kept trying to tell her about this looney woman who'd gotten herself all burnt up and was married to a big invisible man. Honestly, humans had strange stories.

#26 - Forever
Forever was forever or at least until the Creators said they were elves again and then it'd be day one after forever, then day two after forever and then day three after forever...

#27 - Blood
Always hers, never anyone elses. There were rules.

#28 - Sickness
She didn't know what it was. She'd call it the Crazies, because apparently that's what all the Templars and mages had. They were doing such odd things!

#29 - Melody
When she sang to Hawke in the language of the People, he went to sleep. She hoped it was because it was soothing and not because it was boring.

#30 - Star
All the stars had names. Hawke wanted to know them... she couldn't remember any and they laughed about it.

#31 - Home
"Stay with me." Hawke said. "What about Anders?" "What about him?" Merrill didn't know... but she said okay.

#32 - Confusion
If Hawke loved Anders and Hawke loved her too... did that mean Merrill had to love Anders or that Anders had to love her? She didn't Anders though. This was tough...

#33 - Fear
The Mirror just wasn't working. It just wasn't. She didn't know what to do. What if the Spirit had gotten tired of waiting?

#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Lots of things to kill going up Sundermount. It was so easy to tell which spells everyone liked. Hawke liked lightning. When he used it a lot, it made his hair stand up with static.She would ruffle it away and be shocked. She used it too sometimes...

#35 - Bonds
She liked visiting her people even if they didn't consider her one of the People anymore. She knew them... kind of and they knew her... kind of. She'd only been with them since she was thirteen, but she supposed that was enough. They were all the People together... well maybe not the ones cursing at her in Dalish.

#36 - Market
Master Ilen was always nice! He wouldn't look her in the eyes though... and only took the money from Hawke. But still...

#37 - Technology
The Arulen Holm was hers. She'd never give it back, just to show the Keeper. ...not really, she had to give it back. It belonged to everyone... mostly master Ilen.

#38 - Gift
What had the Keeper done for her? She hadn't asked her to do anything. She didn't like this.

#39 - Smile
How could she smile like that? How could Keeper Marathari smile! The Spirit was in her!

#40 - Innocence
She'd known... hadn't she? What it would cost? Hadn't she known?

#41 - Completion
Hawke had to move her away from the body because she didn't want to move. She was covered in blood. The Demon's blood, the Keeper's blood. It was so much, it was too much...

#42 - Clouds
What an odd place for it all to finish. Her clan was dead and all she could do was look at the clouds. All she could do was stare upwards because otherwise... all her tears would spill out right on to the ground.

#43 - Sky
She didn't know the real names of the stars, but she'd rename them. All of them, for her clan. For the Keeper. For her people.

#44 - Heaven
Were they with the Creators? In the Beyond?

#45 - Hell
She wasn't going to be with them when she died. Most certainly not.

#46 - Sun
Hawke had to force her out into the sunshine. She'd been in house for far too long.

#47 - Moon
She apologized for crying at the moon and then Hawke made her smile by making up stories about the moon. Apparently, there was a nug in the moon and it gave pearls to children... or cakes or cheese, whichever. She didn't know, but she thanked him. He always made her feel better.

#48 - Waves
Hawke took her up to the Wounded Coast a lot. They played in the waves a lot. And made love there a lot. There were big scary things about to happen she could feel it, but she thought maybe Hawke didn't want to think about them.

#49 - Hair
On the way to a revolution was a strange time to be concerned about hair. A strange time indeed, but Hawke fixed hers, tucking it behind her ear and kissing her cheek. He held her hand on the boat to the Gallows. Hawke was sweet.

#50 - Supernova
That Meredith had a big sword. It sucked the life right out of her, all of her energy, all of her life and while she lay there on the cold stone (the stone was always cold, why did Durgenlen like it?) it was like the stars all exploded and faded and blended and maybe just for a little little while she went to the Beyond. "It's not your time Da'len". Ohhh Keeper... the world spun again and when she woke up, it was Hawke calling her Da'len. She guessed they won!

Merrill and Kraise are probably a real love-love pair. She likes Hawke, Hawke likes her. He makes her laugh and holds her hand and loves her in a big generous round way and wants to share with her and make things wonderful. He tells her things like, "You're my best girl" and "I love you" all the time and listens to her all the time. And in turn, she listens to him. She thinks Hawke is a strange shemlen at first, but it doesn't really matter.

She doesn't know what to think of the sharing thing, but Hawke seems to know what he's doing so it's all fine. She doesn't wonder about much because she knows that Hawke will take care of it.

dragon age

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