Apr 19, 2011 02:54

#01 - Ring
"There should be reward enough in those chests Danarius left behind." was what Varric said Fenris said. Hawke hadn't been listening to the words, just to Fenris's voice. Varric had to throw a ring at his forehead to snap him out of it.

#02 - Hero
The slaves cried and hugged him, even as behind him, the scene of Fenris thrusting his hand into the heart of the slavers one after one would probably scar the gathered children forever. He was their "Hero".

#03 - Memory
Fenris said he didn't have any memories, but Hawke told him the world could begin for him anytime he wanted and that he should always remember that.

#04 - Box
His mother didn't know, but even more than her, he'd collected all the things that reminded him of family. He had one box reserved for everything that was Carver. Everything left.

#05 - Run
He didn't exactly trust magic, though his sister was a mage and he tried to face it down like any other opponent. But Abominations put his flight or fight response to the test.

#06 - Hurricane
Hawke had never been in a hurricane before, but he knew it was stupid to stand there in the rain in the wind. Isabela howled and cursed and Merrill danced wildly, standing on the stone walls that barely protected low town and screamed out the names of gods no one knew. It was stupid, but he liked it.

#07 - Wings
Hawke could never tell Fenris that he stared at his tattooes because he thought they were beautiful and because he thought they looked like wings.

#08 - Cold
Ferelden winters were cold and wet and Kirkwall winters were much of the same, though even with a roof over his head in Lowtown, he hadn't expected it to be so wet inside.

#09 - Red
The Deep Roads blazed red in the darkness, the dwarven hirelings pointing out all the different kinds of mineral veins and fungus. It was a color that haunted his dreams long after he'd made it back to the surface.

#10 - Drink
Hawke didn't drink, but Fenris did and when he was frustrated with the reading he would abruptly leave the bench and go snatch up a bottle of wine. He would drink with his back to Hawke, scowling out of the windows.

#11 - Midnight
Hawke found himself staying with Fenris long past the moonrise and into the night. When he did return home, his mother would peek out of her bedroom and warn him, "Past your bedtime Gregory." and he would blush and answer, "I know. I'm sorry Mother."

#12 - Temptation
Hawke liked spending time in the Chantry because Sebastian had the most amazing voice that he'd ever heard recite the Chant and sometimes, they would study the tomes together, shoulder to shoulder, and sometimes Hawke wouldn't read, but he would gaze at Sebastian while he read, but only until it seemed he would stare back and then Hawke's eyes were back on the book.

#13 - View
Once when Fenris left him during the reading session, Hawke left the bench too. He stood with him to watch out of the window. From here he could see over many of the other High Town rooftops and the moon as it made its way across the sky. And then he looked at Fenris, who was still looking out of the window, drinking form his bottle occasionally.

#14 - Music
"Can you play that Lute?" Hawke had asked, sensing that Fenris was about to grow frustrated again with reading practice. "I can." the elf said, his posture relaxing as he looked over from it, away from the book. "Do you enjoy music?" Hawke had nodded instead of speaking and Fenris looked at him, full on, causing him to go as red as his hair. "I do." he'd said quickly, the room a bit too hot.

#15 - Silk
The hangings in the Chantry were all silk and actually, for some of the sisters and brothers, their sheets were too. Though he was an initiate, Sebastian had his own rooms and Hawke had sat down on the man's bed while he showed him a bronze plaque with a stanza from the Chant of Light inscribed. He realized he was alone with Sebastian in his room and nearly fainted, Sebastian asking in his gentle, harmless way, "Are you hot? Would you like me to fetch a cold cloth?" It'd probably be silk too.

#16 - Cover
"They'll show through." Fenris said, not taking the cloak from Hawke's hands. Hawke didn't know what to say or how to deal with the rejection. "For winter..." he said weakly, "Not to cover." Fenris gave a nod and grunted his thanks, taking the cloak from him and slamming the door.

#17 - Promise
Hawke didn't usually yell or stand up to authority really. He would assert himself if necessary, but as much as he believed in what Meredith did at the Gallows, he extracted a promise from her that no harm would come to his sister and if it did, they would all see the Maker long before they were due.

#18 - Dream
It'd been about Sebastian, again. Kissing him, holding him, his voice. It was awkward because he'd actually never... and Sebastian had vows and ... His mother knocked and Hawke had flashbacks to being sixteen and trapped in a small house in the countryside were his fascination with a local Templar had also resulted in dreams. "Gregory, are you all right? You were groaning."

#19 - Candle
Hawke was supposed to read close to the fire or at his desk, but instead, he usually found himself nose deep in some book, leaning next to a candle at the book case. He'd almost set his sleeve on fire twice.

#20 - Talent
He didn't agree with Anders, but he had a talent for making him smile. Sometimes he'd sit with him, after the clinic was finished for the day and talk about everything but the biggest issue in the room. He reminded him of his father, a true idealist. It felt good to smile.

#21 - Silence
After Mother died, the silence in the house was overwhelming. Hawke had never minded the quiet so much before, but now it was real. It was real and the worst, right before her door. He could never truly bring himself to go in and when he even just opened the door, the stillness, the silence, spread right through him.

#22 - Journey
Hawke went with Merrill up the mountain not because he believed in what she was doing, he didn't, at all. But when they reached the shrine for the dead, he stood next to her while she prayed. "Your Maker will protect her... from Fen'Harel or whatever humans fear in the Fade." she squeezed his hand and they moved on.

#23 - Fire
When Fenris kissed him, it felt like his body was on fire. He didn't know what came over him, but he gave it right back, pinning the elf to the wall and praying he didn't burn in the bonfire of his own passion.

#24 - Strength
"While many would turn from the path, you have not. You're truly one of the Maker's Chosen Hawke. He recognizes you for all you've done. You're a man of great strength."

#25 - Mask
He kept the same dutiful persona, the polite veneer, but underneath more and more often he was enraged. Fenris saw it, the saw he swung and killed destructively, the way he rushed in without regard to risk, the way he roared sometimes, cutting the heads off of smugglers and abominations alike. His mask wouldn't last forever and when it broke, Fenris would be there to do whatever he needed.

#26 - Ice
He wasn't sure this was a good idea, but everyone was having so much fun. The Fereldens were very familiar with ice skating, though Varric thought they were all mad. Sebastian was the best sport, letting the blood mage pull him along on the blades Anders had crafted from ice. Fenris didn't want to, but even Aveline shocked everyone skating with Anders, laughing when they both fell down on the artificially thickened ice.

#27 - Fall
Merrill wouldn't stop saying prayers to the trees as they passed and Fenris was annoyed that the wind blew everything into his hair and everything crackled and snapped under his feet. When the wind got too much, Sebastian flipped up his hood. Hawke liked the falling leaves, he loved them.

#28 - Forgotten
Sisters. Mothers. Leto. Vanaria. Hawke watched Fenris pace, enraged and tortured by the things he should remember, but couldn't. The memories and lack there of had even kept the two of them apart, Hawke not knowing what to do. "I'm Here." he offered, just as Fenris had, going to him when the elf stopped, his shoulders slumping. He looked at Hawke through his hair and he suddenly seemed small. He hoped this wouldn't be forgotten.

#29 - Dance
He wasn't a good dancer. He wasn't. He'd been pressed into it at Aveline's wedding and at some noble functions and sometimes, by Merrill who danced to the music in her head. He wasn't a good dancer, but alone in the confines of Fenris's mansion, he asked the elf, his face hot, but not from the fire, "Do they dance in Tevinter?" Fenris smirked. "Let me show you."

#30 - Body
Armor on, armor off. Hawke could admit at this point in his life, that the best feeling there was had to be the graze of Fenris's black gauntlet claws against his naked skin. It made him twitch, just thinking of it. Body to body. Armor on, armor off.

#31 - Sacred
He never made Fenris go, but Hawke regularly attended Chantry. Once a month, the sacred bones were presented and worshippers got to touch them, briefly. He felt blessed and honored.

#32 - Farewells
They hadn't let Merrill say good-bye. Not that they wanted to, not with all their weapons drawn. She hadn't even had time to properly say good-bye to her Keeper, but curled in a ball in Hawke's arms in front of the shattered pieces of a demon mirror, Merrill sang her farewell through sobs, the warrior holding her until she was exhausted and asleep.

#33 - World
He'd met a representative from Orlais, he'd met a "fellow" from Antiva, he'd met Qunari, he'd met Isabela. He thought he was worldly. This made Varric snort and laugh.

#34 - Formal
"Your Grace" "Champion" "Hero" "Messere" "Serah" "Ser" Hawke heard these things daily, but he longed for the sweet call of "Brother", the soft inquiry of "Gregory", the gentle bass of his father calling him "Good boy". He preferred those titles over any other.

#35 - Fever
Fenris wouldn't let him get a mage or Merrill who knew nature healing.He curled in his bed, hot and sweating, his expression pained at times, unseeing at others. All Hawke knew was that he had a fever and that if he bathed his brow and few him soup, it'd go away. When it came to Fenris, Hawke suffered a fever too, but it would never be cured.

#36 - Laugh
Musical, solid, easy, carefree, guarded, tight. He liked it when his companions were in a good mood, even if he wasn't.

#37 - Lies
He needed his help, but he wouldn't tell him why. He wanted him to do things, dishonest things he could tell. Anders was sinning, somehow, Anders was sinning, but to ask him, to know would pull him into it and he had enough sins already, he didn't want this one.

#38 - Forever
Sometimes in the darkness, Hawke traced his fingers over the markings on Fenris's chest. They glowed dimly when he slept, brighter depending on his moods. They were a real kind of forever, a painful forever. He stirred in his sleep and Hawke kissed him, settling closer. This would be his real forever.

#39 - Overwhelmed
He'd never encountered so many demons. There were so many demons, Sebastian was shouting the Chant of Light, his arrows flying as swift as they could.Anders cast a wall of ice to shield them as they were backed into a corner and Fenris growled out a challenge in Tevinter, ready to charge when a Rage Demon appeared.The odds were not in their favor.

#40 - Whisper
He heard elves had sensitive ears and perhaps they did, but when Fenris said his name, whenever, where ever, he always heard. ...And it always turned him on.

#41 - Wait
Ambushing the ambushers was exciting, even Aveline would admit to this, but the waiting part was horrid. It was all business, though, seeing the way Donnic and Aveline held each others gazes, Hawke reckoned these bandits had better hurry up because those two had plans for later.

#42 - Talk
Merrill talked a lot. Fenris didn't. It seemed like Varric talked alot, but he actually didn't. There was probably only a few kernels in all the straw he scattered down. Aveline was brief, Sebastian was poetic. And Hawke... he liked listening.

#43 - Search
The search for a Gem was exciting certainly, but like Sebastian, Hawke thought the best search was the one for self, as guided by the hand of the Maker. When he said these things, everyone except Sebastian rolled their eyes, though Fenris just sighed. He believe it, he couldn't help it.

#44 - Hope
There was tension rising between the First Enchanter and Meredith, Maker guide her, but he hoped cooler heads would prevail. He went to service twice a day if he could, Elthina was inspirational.

#45 - Eclipse
The red light that blazed towards the heavens seemed to absorb all the light. It seemed as if in an instant, the world was cast in darkness. His heart seemed to thud in his chest. The Chantry...

#46 - Gravity
He didn't know if Anders knew what he had done. He didn't care. He didn't want to listen, he just took his sword off his shoulder and took Anders's head off his shoulders. So much sin... it'd weigh on them all forever. If he'd been better... stronger... faster, smarter even, he could have stopped this. More than the headless body on the ground, he was responsible. Everything... he was responsible.

#47 - Highway
The way to the Gallows suddenly seemed like the longest way. The stretch of water from the docks to there seemed like a long black highway, glittering in the twilight. The boat rocked, but his heart was steady.

#48 - Unknown
He didn't know what the mages would conjure up to defend themselves. He'd seen what the desperate could do. He looked to Fenris. He showed no fear. So neither did Hawke.

#49 - Lock
They'd opened cells, they'd broken down doors, and now, in the heart of the Gallows was the final gate.Orsino was there and he knew he would kill him.The Templars rushed to raise the gates, the locks broken.Finally.

#50 - Breathe
He couldn't breathe at first, after he did it. He talked, but he did not hear himself. He could only look to Fenris. He spoke, but he did not hear him. He looked in his eyes. Steady and sure, his gaze calmed him. He took a breath and gripped his sword firm, slinging off the blood, still warm from his sister's -from the mage's body. They had to meet Meredith in the courtyard and finish it.

I would say the story of Goode Hawke is a lot more emotionally laced than the others because he loses so much and it affects him so deeply. Honestly, he's quite flawed from the beginning and actually has nothing for himself and of himself and Fenris stabilizes him in a way that's not unlike what other romances do for Anders. It gives you a constant to turn to.

He's so tragic in a way. After having his family taken from him in various ways, he sort of grabs Fenris as his new something. Something that won't leave him and is equal and stays and something that gives to him and not just takes. So at the end of his story, really, he rids himself of his sister not because of what she is, but because he's done with her.

In a different version, he may have just left her in the Gallows forever, whatever fate to befall her

dragon age

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