A place to grow (Chapter 21)

May 31, 2010 14:26

Author: Everything_Once
Pairing: Katie/Effy, Naomy/Emily and some others ...
Rating: M
Warnings: Swearing and some Book spoilers
Summary:  How to grow up, when you're not really sure that it's what you want ...
Disclaimer: Skins isn't my property, even if I secretly wish so! At the moment I pretty much own nothing ...

LiveJournal: http://everything-once.livejournal.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/everything_once

Attention : Sorry for my English, I'm French so I'm totally responsible for every mistake ! Help me ... And please review cause I'm totally new at writing and it scares the shit out of me to be really crappy at it !

Read and Review ! ! !

Chapter Twenty-One

***Naomi’s thoughts***

Just after Effy and Katie departure, Ems and I have reached our bedroom. She seems quite upset …

“Ems, relax… what the matter?”

“What the fucking matter? Seriously Naoms you’re blind or what? Katie hasn’t trust me enough to told me that she’s sterile, but she confesses herself with Effy… she obviously means a lot to Katie, but it’s Effy we’re talking about … she’s mysterious, pretty fucked and has a lot of problems … so…”

“Ems, it’s not our life … and yeah you’re probably right about Effy’s problems, but Katie is obviously aware of what’s happening and if she thinks that she can handle that then we’ve to trust her about that!”

“But she’s my sister and she’s weak right now so I’ve to protect her… she’s my twin and …”

“Come on Ems, we’re talking about your sister… She’s Katie Fucking Fitch, no one can hurt her!”

“That’s where you’re wrong … Effy can hurt her, not because she’s Effy, but because Katie is in love with her … being in love can hurt you so badly… it can pretty much destroy you…”

I can’t look at her right now, cause I’m so ashamed. I know she doesn’t want to say that about me but it’s what I’ve done to her, and we both know that.

She stands up, come closer to me and wrap me in such a romantic hug that I can believe it.

She leaves a gentle kiss on my lips and then draws the curve of my lips with her fingers, just before whispering:

“But they can also make you so fucking happy and so alive … and that’s exactly what you’re doing to me so don’t even think that I don’t love you cause I do I really do! You mean the world to me Naoms, actually you’re my world …”

“I’m in love with you Emily Fitch, every inch of you is just wonderful! And just so you know you’ve made my life complete! Thank you! And for your sister I’m sure she can handle it, and well if her or Effy need help we’ll be there it’s what we have to do! That what it’s suppose to be …”

“What love?”

“Yeah that too, but I was talking about … family …”

“Effy is not my family! You and Katie are! That’s it! Well now Tom is a part of my family too”

“That’s not true and you know it, we all are a family Ems, the four of us! Plus I’m pretty sure that Katiekins consider Effy as a part of her family and as you’re her sister … “

“Ok ok, you’re right as always … now come to bed with me and I’ll show you how much I care about my family …”

She’s winking at me and I can resist her. She starts to undress herself and I’m already so turn on…

“Naoms can you close the door and the curtains I don’t want someone interrupting us or seeing us …”

“Ok ma’am your wishes are my orders!”

I close the door and then I approach the window to close the curtains as requested.

Oh my fucking god…what the fuck!

I can’t believe it, they’re fucking on my garden, outside, under the fucking rain where everyone can see them.

I whisper:

“It seems that your sister doesn’t mind being exposed …”

“What are you saying? And more important why aren’t you naked already?”

I close the curtains and I smile before joining the love of my life.

***Emily’s thoughts***

It’s the middle when I heard Naoms’ phone ringing … it’s probably important considering that it’s probably 2 or 3 am.

I gently caress her shoulder and I leave a few kisses on her back.

“Naoms wake up …”

“Ems you can’t be serious … again … you’ve made me come what 5 or 6 times already … let me get some rest, yeah?”

“Your phone is ringing … it might be important!”

I give her the phone, and I listen to what she’s saying.

“Allo … yes it’s me… no it’s ok… what?! … how bad exactly? … do you … do you think she’ll survive the night? … yeah sure … what? … why!... ok, I understand … yeah we’ll be there as soon as possible … thanks!”

She’s so pale right now, I hope everything will be fine.

“Naoms you’re alright?”

“She’s dying Ems… it’s over … thy don’t even think she’ll make the night … we’ve to go right now!”

“I’ coming with you, but Tom?”

“She has told them that she doesn’t want him to be there … she wants him to remember the good moments … what do you think?”

“It’s her decision Naoms, we haven’t any right …”

We dress up as quickly as possible. Then Naoms goes in Katie and Effy’s room to explain the situation to them.

While I go in Tom Bedroom he’s sleeping but as I approach him he wakes up.

“Hey, big boy you’re awake?”

“Yeah … cuddle?”

“I can’t say no to such a cutie? Right? Come here little angel!”

I’m cuddling him and I start to silently cry.

How life can be so hard for a little boy so cute as Tom… it’s so fucking unfair … hey cutie what do you say about a hot chocolate and some biscuits on the sofa and then aunt Katie and Effy will come with you …”

He’s now standing on the bed and starts to jump on his bed.

“Yes … yes … yes … Emsy?”

“Yeah cutie?”

“Why are you crying?”

“It’s because … well …”

“It’s cause Emsy and I have to go at work right now and we don’t want to leave you Tommy boy!”

“Yeah, we love you cutie”

Naomi comes near me and we’re now both hugging him and Naomi is whispering:

“It’s gonna be ok …”

“I’ll wait in the car …”

“Yeah, I’m coming. Are the girls awake?”

“Yep, they’ll be in the living room in five minutes”

We head to the kitchen, I take Tom in my arms and then I sat him on the counter.

He looks pretty exhausted.

He’s so beautiful with his little lion in his arms.

“So cutie what do you want with your chocolate?”

“Cookies!!! And I want some more to Leo too! He’s kind of hungry too …”

“Who’s leo?”

“Leo meet Emsy, Emsy meet Leo the lion. He was in my room with a not from Effy.”

“Sweet, Leo I’m so glad to meet you … I’ve to go now...”

“Can you carry me to the living room? I like being in your arms Emsy…”

“Come here cutie …”

As soon as I’m outside I start to cry …

***Katie’s thoughts***

When we enter the living room we spot him sat in the couch with tree hot chocolates on the table and a lot of cookies.

Poor boy if only he knew what’s happening right now…

“Eff, Katie come, come … Leo and I will share with you!”

“Of course we are boy! So I guess that you’ve found my present …”

“Yep! He’s great thanks Eff!”

“You’re welcome Tommy boy.”

Effy is now sat on the couch too and Tom instantly cuddles on her side, I approach them and I cuddle myself on the other side of Effy.


“Why are you cuddling with Eff?”

“Well … Tom … you know how auntie Naoms and Emily are in love with each other right?”


“Well Eff and I are in love too… so … well that’s why … You see?”

“Yeah but you know Eff and I are in love too, but it’s ok we can share…”

I’m fully smiling now, and Eff is smiling too.

This boy is just fucking perfect!

“You know what Tommy boy I’ll be quiet pleased to be your wife… but I kind of like Katie too … so yeah sharing is a good idea …”

If you really think it’s funny you’re so wrong, you’ll be punished for even considering sharing as a possibility …

We stay like that for the rest of the night and we fell asleep in each other arms … as a family …

Thanks to those who have reviewed my words and keep doing it even if I’m not really regular in my uploads at the moment!

fanfic, naomily, keffy

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