Well, at least she's likable--but not a person I'd aspire to be like. Poor Cassie :(. Oh, and I love-love-love the song in this video <3 :
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Life at Clark has been interesting lately. I've been trying to tackle some silly emotional things and I've been more stressed than I can remember being, but at this moment I am strangely content. I think it's the weather--it's gorgeous outside. Sometimes I think my brain truly just likes to fuck with me. It's as if it needs to keep me on my toes: "Oh, so Amy, this is how you feel? WELL, TRY THESE FEELINGS ON FOR SIZE [insert maniacal laughter here]."
Honestly, though.
Academically, stress has really gotten the better of me. I'm not big on medication, but I'm wondering if Aderol or some kind of anxiety-reliever might be good for me. I didn't used to think those things got in the way of my studying, but since I've been at Clark, it's almost unmanagable. I need one of those t-shirts that says "Keep Calm & Carry On"--and I'll have to wear it everday--... so i'll need like 20 of those t-shirts and go all Doug Funny on my closets.
I can't decide whether I want summer. Yes, there are days when I want nothing more than to be somewhere else, but that somewhere else is not home. Home is more stressful in many ways. And if I don't find myself a job, I'll go crazy. I do look forward to spending time outdoors and going to the beach (Newbury Port, Rockport, Hampton, the Cape bchdsvfhdvfhdgsfvdfhvsh) and hanging with all mah homebuddies, but I cannot spend four months discontent. And I agree, Annie, let's go white water rafting XD I'm down. And let's go to Montreal, guys, with all that money I don't have.
Also, note to self: stop hoping for life to be something and just accept it for what it is. It's the only way you'll ever be happy.