Prompt Submission

Jun 07, 2009 23:00


Prompt Submission: June 13 - August 15
Claiming Period/Writing Period: August 8 - November 17
Posting Period: November 1 - November 24
All Dates are Subject to Revision
* dated changed on 7/24/09


Here's the place where you will submit your prompts/story ideas to be used in everyfandomfest

1. Think of an idea. The prompts can be based on single characters, couples of any relationship (romantic, fanon, family, rivals, same sex people, etc) Any type of prompt is allowed - even real life prompts!

2. Tell me your idea in a comment to this post.

Simple, right? Feel free to submit as many prompts as you can come up with. You may submit prompts in more than one comment, if you give some ideas and then think of more later.

Use The following Form

Type Of Fandom: (comic, real life, crossover, anime/manga, movie, book, tv, video game, etc)
Fandom: (movie, book, tv show or whatever name)
Actor/Couple - Character/Couples: (put the name or couple that the prompt is based on)
Prompt: (the prompt itself, from one word to one full sentence or a quote)

Remember, this is only the post for submitting prompts. Claiming will come later, once we have enough to start the fest. I'll sort them by category and character/pairing and stuff. If you have a question or whatever, you can comment here.

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