Update: Tony Mast Style

Sep 22, 2008 19:06

Here are the quick hits.

Kim - Back from Korea and loving it. She took a lot of pictures, though over half of them are of fish. I'm not joking.

The Podge Cast - I was hoping, upon starting, that I'd have fun.  I am.  Lots of it.  We've also managed to gain listeners at an alarmingly awesome rate.  I told myself I wasn't going to care about numbers...but that's before we started and now that we're doing well it's "Yeah, numbers."  The fun and the freedom are the main upsides though.  If you haven't listened, I highly recommend it.  I'm biased though.

Burning Wheel (Kingdom: The Next Generation / Noblesse Oblige) - The game is going fantastic.  We just wrapped up session 12 this weekend and will likely be wrapping up the first arc within a few sessions.  It's not the easiest game to learn nor is my game the easiest style to get used to, but the players haven't hesitated.  At this point they're all plotting, scheming,  and otherwise making plans.  It's nice to get questions all week from the players, who need various tidbits to make their plans.  I haven't had this much fun running a campaign in a long time.  We've recapped our sessions with our thoughts on various actions and mechanics over at The Podge Cast.  We had originally planned to do that just for our own benefit, but decided to release it for consumption at the last minute.  I thought they'd just bore people.  Turns out that they're the most popular thing on the feed right now.  That's awesome.

Warhammer Online:  A busted 360 broke my last shield against the siren call of this game.  Having a lot of fun so far and I'm really liking the variety of things to do.   They nailed the atmosphere, too.  Very solid for a launch game...the exactly opposite impresssion from what I had with Conan.  The only issue is that all my friends who play are scattered on various servers.  Booo.  A few of us are tearing it up on Ulthuan, Destruction-side.  We're looking at the Penny Arcade guild and a handful of others to maybe join.  If the game remains at the same level of fun, I wonder if even Gears of War 2 could pull me away... (probably, actually.  I love GoW!)

Warmachine - Kim's dancing class has opened up Wednesdays again for a few months.  So I'm back playing Warmachine and loving it.  I tend to forget how much I like the game.  Dave even came over and we painted and played Castle Crashers while Kim was in Korea.

Wine - Discordia Red is about a month away from being 'mature.'  I'm hoping it will lose some of the "kickyouintheteethedness" that comes with the first drink.  I have apfelwein in a secondary fermenter and about ready to bottle.

Sunday Hiking - Spotty.  Stuff keeps coming up on Sundays like conferences I'm required to attend and Adam being lazy.  With my favorite time of year here, we need to hit it hard and enjoy the weather.

And, today, fall is here!  Let's here is for my favorite season!

gaming, podcasts, life

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