Sep 20, 2006 13:50
It's rare that I'm in real pain. Sure, attacks of gout spring up and make my toe hurt and make it difficult to walk but they're quickly treated and the pain is bearable.
Yesterday I woke up with my ankle hurting. As the day went on it only got worse and began to swell, reaching the size of a baseball that night. Having weak ankles, I'm used to twists and sprains, but this one felt different. It also could be gout, but doesn't feel like that either, plus that's under control.
So last night the pain was so bad I couldn't sleep. Painkillers did nothing, not even take the edge off. So today I can barely walk, my ankle feels like it was hit with a hammer and then a bunch of broken glass was crammed under the skin, I haven't slept a wink and I've got a full load of patiends.
Fortunately, my primary care (who I only just switched to) is fantastic. She came to the same confused conclusion I did so we're doing some tests to figure out what's wrong.
The good news? The oxycodone just kicked in and I feel relatively human for the first time in over 24 hours.
My stupid feet. They're always trouble.