Aug 31, 2007 14:45
hello all...
not too much going on here. as usual our tuesday night antics were in full swing yet again so that was quite the good time. it was actually the owner of the bar's birthday so there was a bit of a party going on as well as some good drum and bass music. and the owner just rocks. he came around to us a gave candace and i hug and we wished him a happy birthday and he also bought us and all his friends and regulars (us included) a round at the bar. i think it's funny that we've become known there and that the owner just loves us. i also think it's funny that when he first starting talking to us he thought candace and i were together. then again we get that a lot from random people...usually get it at least once a week, sometimes more. (shakes head)
anyway...i went back to my old dorm yesterday and partied with some of my former housemates. it almost felt like i still lived there for a second, but then i remembered that thankfully i have my own place now. twas a good time though. we sent some of the guys out on a liquor run and we ended up drining this gin, lime-aid and cherry seven up concoction and played some trivial pursuit (or drunken pursuit as my old roomie likes to call it) and of course asshole. it was funny meeting some of the new people and being introduced as a former van ness kid who just happens to be hanging out at the house still. most of the newbies seem nice although some of them had this weird awkward hermitting art kid thing going on with them. like the type who look pertrified when you stop them to introduce yourself and invite them to actually hang out with you and your friends. i kind of wanted to tell them that it's ok we won't bite or dunk your head in the toilet....shit. luckily there was only a couple of them who acted like that.
oh and there is one girl (who is not one of the socially awkward kids) who i took a particular interest in. really nice girl, tall, dark hair, seems like a pretty chill person and for some reason i find her really thick boston accent kind of adorable. normally i'm not a fan, but this girl is just fucking cute, accent and all. :) and sam totally called it before i even met the girl. i was asking her about the new kids and sam tells me about her and at first i wasn't really intrigued, even when i first got introduced to her but we chatted most of the night and we ended up exchanging numbers and i told her i'd take her around the city today and help her learn her way around. i do remember us agreeing on noon for her to call me, but it's 2:30 now so maybe it's not happening today. (shrugs) i'm sure i'll see her soon enough.