
Jul 06, 2005 08:48

Boy am I an idiot... I just read my last entry, jeez. Its been awhile, sorry about that. I've been kinda busy with life outside the computer world. ::reader::There is one? ::me:: yes, yes there is.
so0o0o0o0o0o...things are looking up slowly each day. I can't really complain about anything. I've kinda reserved myself from alot lately. I'm kinda tired of getting hurt so I've decided 'To Hell With It'

Got into a few arguements yesterday. Chris and I had a lil heated discussion but I guess you could say I got over it. And then Erich and I got into another fight. I even called him and left a voice mail telling him that I wanted nothing to do with him anymore. I will no longer take his calls, IMs, and he isn't allowed to visit me anymore. I can't stand fighting with him. All I want is to be friends and he can't accept it and there's nothing I can do about that one babez. After he heard that message he IMs me and tells me to never IM him again... uh, I thought that would be a given. Later I put an away message up saying that I missed Chris and I couldn't wait til he got home ((which was/is true)) and Erich IMs me yet again "haha guess u dont love me anymore" ::gets angry just reading it again:: double u te eff?! Selfish, arrogant, asshole...those are the words that come to mind. And stubborn, since I could have sworn I told him not to IM me. Erich knows that whatever we had, its in the past and its not coming back. I just wish he would get over HIMSELF and move on. We'll always have our memories, Erich... and I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you. I never ment to hurt you, and yet that is all I'm capable of doing. But then again: the same goes for you. We can't last 5 minutes without fighting about this, that or the other and quite frankly-I'm sick of it. I'm not doing it anymore. I know your game. You get your ex's to fight with you so you can feel the passion that was once there. You do it because you want so badly to know what love is and yet you are the one that has denied yourself for all these years. You're holding yourself back. Not me, not Megan, not Steph, not Mandy, not anyone of us girls that were dumb enough to think we could be with you and you're player card would disappear. Well, luckily for me I never had to deal with that. You were true and faithful to me, which I appreciate very much. But its over and it will never be again. I'm sorry, a long time ago I admit I wanted to try again. But I've realized I'm better without you in my life like that, and I really can't handle babying you anymore. I've felt sorry for you for what I did, but not anymore. I've got a baby, and he is enough to handle as is. I love him very much and I'm willing to baby him, I can't handle anything more.

Well, I think I'm done bitching for this morning.

I may update again later, depends on how my day goes.

Love yas! Cupid says hi! haha
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