I prefer Alan Ball when he's writing trashy, southern vampires.

Jun 05, 2010 00:56

Day 11 - A show that disappointed you

I actually feel vaguely guilty about choosing this. I could've gone for Heroes, but that's so screamingly obvious: everyone knows about Heroes and its disappointing decline.

Six Feet Under is by no means a bad show, but it did disappoint me. I loved the first season, I really did. It was compelling and well-written and the cast were fantastic. I loved the mix of Dead Person of the Week along with the ongoing character drama. I loved the occasional flights of fancy. It was great. But what killed it for me was this (feel free to laugh, it's fine): the Christmas episode in season two. You see, when I was watching Six Feet Under it was in December and I remember being amazed that the timing had been so perfect that I was going to end up watching the Christmas episode on Christmas Eve! Perfect!

Unfortunately, the episode was so depressing and irritating that it nearly ruined Christmas for me. That's pathetic, I know, but it did. I hated it. And it made me realise, with a shock like cold water being flung in my face, that I wasn't enjoying season two - it had become a chore and this episode was the absolute culmination of that. The characters had become insufferably annoying and self-absorbed. There was nothing there to really get my teeth into, no more Dead Person of the Week. All of a sudden, Six Feet Under had turned into Hideously Unlikeable People Hour, and the only thing to save that Christmas for me was the decision to stop watching it immediately and sell my DVDs.

Maybe things pick up again after season two, I don't know. I'm not hugely desperate to find out, although I'm still curious about the carjacker episode and the series finale. But season two left a bad taste in my mouth and really was such a letdown after season one, I don't think I'm ready to go back and try again.

The title sequence is still fucking amazing, though.

Honourable mention: Merlin series two.

memes, tv: misc

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