Story: (Chapter 10: The Kissing Initiative) -----> Discussion: You know when you're trying to capture a moment perfectly with words, but it always seems to elude you? But still, you try and try and try so that you can write a scene in a way that will manifest a moment, trapping the details exactly as they are in words? That is what I hoped I was able to accomplish with the end of this chapter. It didn't occur to me later on that I wanted this, but as the tension seemed to build and build of its own making, I just wanted to write it the best that I could. I'm happy with it; I just hope that everyone else likes it. I may wake up tomorrow and wonder what the heck I was doing. Either way, long chapter (second-longest at 8000+ words), and pure insanity. Things did not happen at all like I had planned (one whole page of studious notes and planning just went down the drain >.>), but I like the way they progressed. I told you this story has a mind of its own. This may be my favorite chapter so far. I quite enjoy it. My love for Neji and Kakashi just went up, too.