Ah, I love my family! Let's talk about them a bit, shall we?
Last night, my mom called Mohandas Gandhi "an idiot" because - get this - because he was a pacifist. Someone has obviously never heard of Jesus Christ!
i don't want to sound creepy, really i don't, but sometimes i read your posts and my soul goes like =( because you seem like a sane, incredibly intelligent, funny, intense person and i am so disappointed that i don't know people like you in real life.
my goal in life is to learn everything about the human mind there is to know, find out what makes a person do evil, sick things, and fix it, so shit like this never, ever happens.
and while i haven't gotten to that point, though, i have developed a theory that people who share the same belifes as your father want to believe that good and evil are forces of nature because it makes it easier for things like virginia tech to happen. if a preacher molests a child, a man who attends his church can be disgusted and disaffected, because that man gave into the evil of the world; he can believe that with strength he can rise above the sin others can not, so not only will he be a good little christian, but he will also be better than everyone else. he can fulfill his religous duties and placate his ego at the same time. all people of faith want to be like jesus christ, who defeated evil; all people want to be superman, who defeated all the villins. and in order to be heros, there must be a real force for them to fight.
...all people also want to spell correctly, a battle which i have surely lost within this comment.
LOL, all I do is complain about my family and politics and religion! I wish I knew people like you in real life, too. The pickings are slim. :/
my goal in life is to learn everything about the human mind there is to know, find out what makes a person do evil, sick things, and fix it, so shit like this never, ever happens. Congratulations, you have a place in the future, and will actually improve the world!
Damn, Cassandra! That's a great way to explain it! They don't want to acknowledge that they have as much as potential for evil as the man who strays from the path. If it's a demon, they can keep it OUT - it's not already inside and waiting to be fed and released on the world. People can overcome and resist these "forces of evil", yes, but the "forces of evil" are not demons ... they're what goes on in the regions of our brain that control our most ancient instincts and emotions. The animal part. And you can overcome them by thinking about and controlling your actions. Even then, it's just a part of yourself that you're resisting.
i don't want to sound creepy, really i don't, but sometimes i read your posts and my soul goes like =( because you seem like a sane, incredibly intelligent, funny, intense person and i am so disappointed that i don't know people like you in real life.
my goal in life is to learn everything about the human mind there is to know, find out what makes a person do evil, sick things, and fix it, so shit like this never, ever happens.
and while i haven't gotten to that point, though, i have developed a theory that people who share the same belifes as your father want to believe that good and evil are forces of nature because it makes it easier for things like virginia tech to happen. if a preacher molests a child, a man who attends his church can be disgusted and disaffected, because that man gave into the evil of the world; he can believe that with strength he can rise above the sin others can not, so not only will he be a good little christian, but he will also be better than everyone else. he can fulfill his religous duties and placate his ego at the same time. all people of faith want to be like jesus christ, who defeated evil; all people want to be superman, who defeated all the villins. and in order to be heros, there must be a real force for them to fight.
...all people also want to spell correctly, a battle which i have surely lost within this comment.
my goal in life is to learn everything about the human mind there is to know, find out what makes a person do evil, sick things, and fix it, so shit like this never, ever happens.
Congratulations, you have a place in the future, and will actually improve the world!
Damn, Cassandra! That's a great way to explain it! They don't want to acknowledge that they have as much as potential for evil as the man who strays from the path. If it's a demon, they can keep it OUT - it's not already inside and waiting to be fed and released on the world. People can overcome and resist these "forces of evil", yes, but the "forces of evil" are not demons ... they're what goes on in the regions of our brain that control our most ancient instincts and emotions. The animal part. And you can overcome them by thinking about and controlling your actions. Even then, it's just a part of yourself that you're resisting.
As far as I'm concerned, empathy conquers all.
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