Get out of your 1950s fantasy.

Apr 18, 2007 20:07

Ah, I love my family! Let's talk about them a bit, shall we?

Last night, my mom called Mohandas Gandhi "an idiot" because - get this - because he was a pacifist.
Someone has obviously never heard of Jesus Christ!

Today, while watching an opinionated (and highly-qualified and respected) (and female) psychologist argue with Dr. Phil, my grandmother launched into a fearsome tirade condemning psychiatrists and psychologists who are all "a buncha quacks" who "hurt people for money" and "get you addicted to pills" instead of pursuing non-medicative routes like therapy and talking about problems. I was waiting for her to start jumping up and down on the couch! Amused, I said, "You really sound like a Scientologist right now," which, um ... exacerbated the problem, because she seemed to completely miss the joke and point I was trying to make. Sometimes my grandmother is very wise. Sometimes she is very old and crazy.
She also told me that, someday, when I'm older, I'll have more experienced and understand more things and be "more educated". Then I guess I'll understand why she hates people who try to help people with mental problems. Okay.

I just spent no more than ten minutes in the car with my father and got into two arguments with him in that timespan. I think he's the most irrational person I have ever spoken with.

"Have you heard about that guy who shot all of those students?"
"Yeah, I heard about that on Monday."
"No, this is different - they say he was tied to Islam, had stuff written on his arms and recorded about Islam."
"Good and evil are real things in the world."
"Actually, I was just watching a video online of a some doctor who studies brains ... I think she was a neurologist, at Memorial Hermann. She was talking about brain scans - did you know that 40% of inmates on death row in Texas have damaged frontal lobes? They --"
[enter exasperation/anger/frustration] "Victoria, good and evil are real forces that have been around since the world was made! We're not talking about individuals, we're not talking about brains -- !"
"No, let me finish!! The frontal lobe is involved in impulse control--"
"Let me talk! You don't know --"
"-- so if a person's frontal lobe is damaged, they LITERALLY may not be able to control aggressive impulses --"

I just rolled my eyes and grimaced. Next time, I'm going to fucking explode all over him and his irrationality and hypocrisy. Clearly, technology and medicine are actually totally ineffective and people are just imagining that science gets ANYTHING accomplished! Gollygeewillikers, we've all been misled! And we're not supposed to be interested in finding explanations for things, or learn how things work, or learn anything new about the world! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS BEFORE I WASTED ALL OF THOSE YEARS LEARNING?

Someone please, please tell me what the fuck is wrong with this man. What is going on his head??

Then my brother got into the car, and, lol, my dad and my brother fight once every day. My dad threatened to kick my brother's ass last week. HE ACTUALLY SAID "ASS"! HE SAID A SWEAR WORD!!!! I WISH I HAD BEEN THERE TO HEAR IT; I MIGHT HAVE HAD A HEART ATTACK.

Anyway. Alex and Alex's friend get into car, and friend is talking about cars, how much better Toyota is than Chevy and why he thinks American cars suck and stuff. Friend gets out of car. Dad is .... ANGRY? HAHA, WHAT?

D: "That's great, another stupid kid who thinks he knows everything."
A: "He reads, like, everything about cars."
D: "No he doesn't."
A: "... Yes he does."
D: "It's great to know that you respect the opinion of your stupid friend over what your own dad says, Alex!"
A: "He reads about cars all the time --"
D: "Don't say anything else."
V: "All Alex said was that Chase reads a lot about cars, so Chase's opinion isn't totally baseless. Alex wasn't making any kind of value judgement about his opinion or yours."
A: "Yeah, I never said that you were wrong."
D: "That was what you implied!"
A: "You can hear -- whatever you think I implied, that's what you think, whatever. I never said anything like that."
D: "You have no concept of respect. That's how this generation is - no respect, and you two are just like all the other stupid kids. No respect for your elders!"
V: "I'm not trying to disrespect you, but -"
D: "You don't know what you're talking about. Just stop."

I think it's because he spends basically his entire life at work and never sleeps. Damn.


I've been reading so much about the massacre and I want to cry, I can feel the urge to cry, especially when I see things like aciel's last entry, but I can't cry.
It's so unfair that one person can destroy the lives of so many people and no one could have stopped him or prevented it. His mind must have been a sick, disturbing thing. I feel the need to do something. Maybe I'll go donate blood or something.

It's amazing, how much damage a single abnormal psyche can do in the world.

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current events, videos, rant, parents, family, religion, lol

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