(no subject)

Apr 08, 2005 17:34


Alright...something in the Hikari MV post really disappointed me. Out of the 111 people that downloaded, only about 40 people bothered to leave a comment, heck...some of those people didn't even download the file. I'm going to say this just once and make it really clear...

You MUST leave a comment whenever you download. It's your obligation to do so when you choose to download that file. YOU DONT NEED AN LJ ACCOUNT. That isn't an excuse.

I really hate to sound mean but it's important to me, as a music sharer, that you leave a comment, preferably telling me what you downloaded although a simple 'Thank You' is just as fine. This doesn't just apply here, but at every other music LJ from which you download from.

It's not that hard taking 10 seconds to leave a simple comment. Remember, I'm doing this for you. I in no way benefit from this besides knowing that I managed to supply you people with music you might like and the only way for me to know that is if you leave a comment.

If you want to think about it this way, one comment from you takes less than 10 seconds. One song for me to upload, write comments on, and all that stuff, takes probably 5 minutes.

It really discourages me to upload anything when I see people downloading and not even bothering to say anything, it's also very rude. I upload these files because I want to and I just ask from you in return, to please be courteous. Now, I can make this journal friends only and do friends cuts every now and then but I don't want to do that. There are also a bunch of people without LJs who probably wouldn't appreciate that and I know some of you do comment. So, if you want to keep downloading, please, please, please just be a little bit more considerate =/

I'm sorry for being so mean but whether you believe it or not, your comments are important to me.


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