Apr 27, 2005 05:40
School started yesterday and something horrible has happened.
My friend has committed suicide. I feel so sad and so bad.
One day, she was talking with me on the bus to school, the next, a teacher finds her not breathing, in the bathroom with cut wrists.
I saw her wrists. We all saw them. I cried today for her. I cried yesterday for her, when the teacher found her.
The funeral is on Friday and I'm invited. But I don't want to go. I'm scared.
One of the freakiest things is that she didn't seem depressed or anything.
Was she hiding it all along? Why did she do this to herself?
I'm not going to school today. I'm going to sleep and mourn.
Would you want to go to school after a friend committed suicide there? Wouldn't you feel miserable everytime you looked at her empty chair and desk and scared everytime you went to the girls' bathroom?