Begining of Day 02 - Fantastic Four #584 - #585

Nov 09, 2010 08:50

Ben takes a deep breath to steady himself and closes the door behind him. "Alicia, would be alright if we just talk?"

"Of course Ben," she replies relief clear in her voice.
[For the visually minded, this dialog fits into the first four panels here.]

Twenty minutes later Ben leaves and finds Johnny still waiting for him. Ben doesn't say a word but climbs into the car and waits for Johnny. Johnny meanwhile rolls his eyes before sighing and getting in to start the engine.

"Ready to head home?"

Ben glares at Johnny and then sighs, "Yeah. I think I've screwed up enough tonight."

"Excuse me?" Johnny says completely baffled.

"Alicia an' I kissed, I'm sure you saw."

" You and Debra split didn't you?"

"Only like three months ago and now here I am throwin' myself at someone else. What kinda heel that make me?"

"Dude!" Johnny replies honestly shocked. "Umm...she broke it off not you, it's been three months and you and Alicia have been an item for like ever?"

Ben turns away to scowl out the window. He and Johnny just see romance too differently.

"Oh, what the...!" Johnny blurts out and Ben turns to see the thirty-story figure of Galactus hovering beside the Baxter Building.

"Johnny...GO! I'll catch up," Ben cries out as Johnny pulls over.

"You better not scratch my car," he replies as he flies off toward Galactus.

being human

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