Day 01 - Fantastic Four #584

Nov 04, 2010 14:44

Fourteen hours ago
Ben is nearly dancing with nerves as he turns to Johnny holding the formula the kids had made. Hard to believe so much hope can be held in such a small tube of glass. "Okay, the Future Foundation said this stuff is supposed to turn me back into a regular person for around one week a year...every year...All I need to you to do is run and get Reed if somethin' goes wrong...okay?"

Johnny starts in surprise and waves his hands in denial. "No. Not okay. Are you seriously going to take some potion cooked up by a bunch of kids? I you know what I was doing when I was their age?"

"Roughly the same things you're doin' now?" Ben dead pans.

"Eh...fair point. Hope it doesn't kill you."

"Shaddup,"  Ben replies. The last thing he needs right now is the kid echoing his fears. His stomach is in knots and his heart feels like it's down where his stomach should be. Still no time like the present. He drains the vial and waits. Nothing happens. The anger and disappointment begin to boil, he can't believe he fell for it again. He is the Thing and that's all he's ever going to be. There is no cure for a schmuck like him and the sooner he accepts it the better.

Then he realizes what he's feeling isn't like anything he's ever felt before. "Whoa....Urrrgggh! Uhhh...." He feels every muscle contract and spasm. He feels like he is tightening into a ball and yet shedding a great weight.

It seems like forever until it passes and he hears Johnny say, "Oh no..."

"Wha...what?" Ben says panic setting in. "It didn't work?"

"Oh God. No,'s even worse."

"No! They said...." Ben runs to a mirror. He doesn't want to see but he must. He has to see what sort of freak he's become.  He sees...himself. Human. "Oh! You #@%$^%@#!!!!"

Johnny falls back on the bed laughing, "You should've seen your face!"

"Do you know felt like my heart was in my throat...," Ben's screaming and doesn't care. "You SORRY, NO-GOOD #%$6@&#!"

Johnny sobers and sits up, "Look in the mirror...Again."

Ben turns and the anger fades before the miracle. "Oh...I...I...Oh my god."

"So, you're not going to start crying or anything, are you?"

"If you're gonna be a jerk...just leave, Johnny."

"I'm not saying you shouldn't be happy...I'm saying maybe you should look at this in a more opportunistic fashion."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Instead of getting all weepy, we should go out and do all the things you haven't been able to do for a really long time. Two guys out on the's that sound?"

Ben looks out through the windows to New York and feels like he owns it. "Pretty good, actually."

Johnny, "Excellent! Give me a couple of minutes to make some phone calls and you and I are going to make up for a lot of missed opportunities. Get ready Ben...this is going to be the best day you've had in a very long time."

Twelve hours ago
Walking downtown, no one looks twice.

ten and a half hours ago
Beer, hot dogs and the Giants versus the Eagles at New Meadows Stadium.

Six hours ago
An Early dinner with Johnny, Stan and Jack. It's been too long since he's seen his first comic chroniclers and Ben enjoys their company.

Three and a half hours ago
The floating super hero poker game at the Thunder Dojo. Ben takes the pot though Captain America came close.

An hour and a half ago
Near Yancy Street.

"Uh-huh. Around here only one of us is too big to fail," the head mugger says with a growl. "So...what's it going to be ladies? A tax-deferred cash deposit--or is the deal going to need some restructuring?"

Johnny turns to Ben."I dunno...I'm thinking it's been a long time since you've gotten to punch a normal guy in the face...What do you say?"

"I want my 401K back!" Ben yells and dives at the gang.

An Hour ago
"Ow! I think I broke a tooth," Ben says as he watches the gang run away.

Johnny smiles. "Have fun?"

"God, yes. I'm gonna sleep like a baby."

Johnny opens the car door and getting in says, "Well, one last stop to make before then. Get in."

Ben leans back and enjoys the feeling of the wind on his face (actually feeling it!) as they drive.

After driving in silence for a bit Johnny says, "So. I've got to think, now that you've got one week a year, it's going to be enough? I mean, do you think you'll get used to it and in some way that'll be worse?"

Ben takes a minute to consider. "I've missed out on a lot of things, Johnny. I think all one week a year means is I won't ever take it for granted...and I'll 'preciate everything I get."

"Good enough...we're here."

"Where are...oh." He recognizes where they are as soon as he gets out of the car and thinks of Debz. "I don't know if I should..."

"Shut up. You're going."

Ben walks up to the front door and buzzes the intercom. He hears her voice say, "Yes...who is it?" and his heart skips a beat. His mouth is suddenly dry and he swallows before replying, "It's me. Can I come up?"

She buzzes him in and he climbs the stairs getting more and more nervous. He knocks and says, "Hey," when the door opens. She's back lit like some cheesy movie but to Ben she doesn't need the effect. She's his Alicia no matter what happens. He sees she's grown out her hair again and is even more beautiful then ever.

"Hello, Ben," she says looking vaguely in his direction.

His heart drops again and all he can manage to say is, "Hey." again.

"Is something wrong? Why do you sound..." Alicia steps closer to touch his face and he doesn't move. Her fingers pause where his skin normally is and a look of confusion passes on her face before she reaches farther. "Oh...Oh...My..You...You're...Is that really you?"

He can smell her hair and her perfume, she's right there and the world suddenly doesn't matter anymore. Tears come to his eyes and he says, "It's me, Alicia." He sees tears in her eyes as well and acceptance, that blessed acceptance of him being human he had feared she'd never have. Her lips part. He bends and kisses them before reaching out to gather her in his arms. She melts into his kiss and embrace with a sigh.

Outside Johnny sees their silhouettes and says "Good for you, Ben."

5 Minutes ago
The eternity of their kiss ends as all eternities must and he pulls up for air. He remembers the world then and Debz and pulls back. He turns and nearly runs for her bathroom. He says something inane to her worried, "Ben?" but he's not sure what and then the bathroom door is closed.
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