my evil english teacher..

Oct 06, 2002 14:49

written Friday and posted in my LiveProfile but I had to write about stepmom instead... so I'll paste it now:

Ms. Everitt is evil! I know everybody complains about Ms Wells (and with valid reason) but to make a single test 70% is CRAZY. No, it's not 70% of my test grade or anything like that, 70% of my TOTAL grade because her grading system is WACK. I didn't think it was possible.. she explained how 50% went to big grades and 50% went to small grades, so it'd be half of the big grade and like a tenth of my small grade cuz there's been only small assignments.. but uhh somehow that all works out to 70%.. hmm don't remember how that worked, there was multiplying and dividing by 2..... EHH anyway..

Her small assignments are good.. 100 points each and she drops the lowest grade. My Oedipus quiz was worth the same as a grammar and uhh I'm REALLY glad that she drops the lowest grade haha. Other than that quiz, the lowest is an A- so it works out well. I'm afraid for that quiz.. ugh we had 5 essay questions.. but there are SUB questions and shit. There was a list of 10 quotations, we had to list who said it to who and explain the irony and characterization.. in like 17 minutes. My other four were: (1) role of THREE minor characters of my choice in the plot development, characterization, ironies.. (2) five Aristotelian characteristics of a tragic figure and how it applys to Iocaste and Oedipus (3) Four ironies in the play.. plot in general (4) Different kinds of power: Creon, Oedipus and Tereisias, to what extent they use it, where it comes from and how they use it. I had like 17 minutes for each question and though some took longer, I don't think ANY could have produced a good answer in less.. without a laptop but of course that'd be an unfair advantage, wouldn't it?

I was running short on time and I repeated a lot of stuff and I hope I didn't get a B because it's fucking 70% and I'm going to be pissed if I get a B in English. ARGH. I'm dreading AP English with her more than ever! I can't believe I ever complained about English Honors, it was sooooooooo easy now that I think about it. I was THE slacker. ooo yeah.

Hm.. I have two essays due Tuesday and I've settled on cynicism but I'm torn between humanism and epicureanism.. sophism would be easy too.. yeah maybe Sophism..... blah I'm stressed again.
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