fucking people

Oct 06, 2002 11:13

BLAME YOU FOR NOT AVOIDING YOUR OWN INJURIES! like accidents don't happen and to them, fucking i can blame them not not locking their keys in their car and having to waste $50 on a locksmith to get their keys out. i can blame them for everytime they fall and skin something because they should have been more careful, i should blame them for every object that's ever fallen on them and everytime they've ever tripped because they could have seen it and avoided it.

fucking people shouldn't lecture me on how accidents could have been prevented because i'm sure all of THEIRS could have been too. it's a fucking bitch when you can't wear shoes and weeks later, there's still a deep cut and they stand there blaming you for that shit.. lecturing you on why it shouldn't be there and then saying they're not blaming you when they've been saying you should have avoided it for the last ten minutes. what the fuck dude? you've had worse injuries than me.. sure you've avoided some but so have i.

ugh, REALLY pissed at the fact that first i have to HAVE the injuries and then get bitched at for HAVING the injuries when i didn't ASK for it or WANT it or EXPECT it.. at my fucking senior picnic. don't bitch at me for it because i don't bitch at you for every cut, scrape, stomachache, headache that could've been avoided.. thx

update: then they mock entries like this and bash your livejournal in its entirety which is the final straw.. i will probably make one more post and go friends only.. with them OFF my friends list.
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