
Sep 06, 2002 19:37

always interesting how the people who seem to hate you the most read your profile the most and generally are more curious than the people who care.. oh well.. keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer right?

i had two presentations so i'm recovering from panic attacks and shit like that.. in gov/econ i had to argue PRO death penalty which was easier than i thought considering most of the class was pro death penalty to begin with.. and that the group against us weren't very bright rofl. between the two groups, i'd have to say mine was worse.. omg they were like "LET'S ARGUE THAT BUSH SUPPORTS IT" i was like 'uhh let's not' but nobody listened rofl.. of course in the morning i brought like a 7 page thing of stuff they could argue instead.. so she took my constitutionality one (you know, the person who wanted to argue about bush's approval) so i thought anything was better than that.. i argued for deterrence.. though it would have been a difficult point to prove if they did any research or even used common sense to dispute it, they didn't. rofl.

they used innocent vs guilty for FOUR rebuttals i didn't know it could be repeated so many times. all we had to do was say 'what if they aren't'.. hm how much are our innocent lives worth when we're willing to risk putting a homicidal maniac in the society so we won't wrongfully accuse them.. and yes it costs more (due to appeals created to PREVENT wrongful accusations, no?).. i think i said something about DNA evidence and fingerprints but it didn't help OJ's trial any.. uhh yeah i don't think i should get into that debate in my livejournal but now i'm even stronger for it.. isn't that great?

rofl it was too funny when they tried to use a COMMANDMENT against me.. i quoted exodus 21:12 rofl.. 'he who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death' heh.. coulda used the plagues to kill egyptians.. or noah's ark.. or many bible stories. blah i hate religious arguments good thing i anticipated it but anyways.. i hope i win!!!!!! class votes on monday.. so vote for me if you have that class!!!!!!

rofl i lost the debate AGAINST it in 8th grade [when i was also pro death penalty] so it'd really suck to lose FOR it.. you know?

rofl ms elliot is the best damn debater.. she somehow justified racial profiling haha. and she could argue any amendment or law or constitutional right because she's a government teacher and she just knows them well.. HEH. i'm going to vote for all the pros regardless of how the debate went just because i'm pro search and seizure, pro abortion, pro capital punishment and pro gun ownership. i hate debates!!!!!! my english presentation sucked but yeah i was really upset so i made it depressing.. i'm tired now..

i forgot to make the point on MASS MURDERERS and how most people are repeat offenders but whatever.. we won anyways. i think i could've argued the con by myself.. and i could've argued for con by myself against my group.. they weren't prepared at ALL but they might win on morals alone.. and the fact that most people are already pro death penalty.. they'd just have to say 'someone kills your family, don't you want them dead?' haha yeah biased people suck.. but no pros will lose.

uhh yeah i'm tired now.. bye
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