It's another one of those days where I feel like absolute crap. My shift starts in about an hour and I'll probably pass out and sleep on the floor of the library if I'm given the chance. Luckily we usually don't have much to do on Thursday evenings. Dolly's job will be keeping me awake.
More novel news:
Coldest Degree - I sent out the query letters with synposes this morning! Fingers crossed that one of the agents I'm quering want to read some of CD! I've got a few days to get CD all spick and span, so if anyone has an crit for it -- NOW'S THE TIME!
Fatal Target - I'm starting work on chapter six once I get a reply from the beta going over chapter five. There is some Kat and Aidan in chapter five, but I haven't worked all the kinks out of that chapter yet. Hopefully by this weekend I'll add chapter five to fictionpress.
Obsession Series: Steal My Life - My new project started around 10pm last night. So far I've written the prologue and first chapter. The prologue can be found
here on fictionpress. Yes, they're are a few slight name changes and a bit of a link to Coldest Degree. Also the series is now located in Maryland, not Miami. The plot will be more involved and detailed this time around.