Finale annoyance...

May 23, 2007 15:58

Is it just me or have these season's finales really SUCKED? Instead of the usual two-hour, two-part finales or ones that at least didn't leave major, odd cliffies, this season has been short and disjointed in my opinion. They haven't even really seemed like finales -- more like regular episodes.

Caution, potential spoilers:

I have the biggest bone to pick with CSI: Crime Scene Investigation finale. Usually, they do a pretty good job with finales (who could forget the season 5 finale that had Nick buried alive?) but this year's sucked. Actually, the past two seasons have been the suckist ones of the seven years I've watched the show.

The best part of the finale was starting out with NIN's 'Survivalism'. The strangest thing of the entire season was trying to have a murder investigation continue all year with the Minature Killer. The Minature Killer story arc began in the season premire and it was scretched out and awkward. It was disppointing because not only were the delays lame (i.e. the whole episode with the lab rats investigating it behind Grissom's back) but the killer's background and motives aren't really explained. Plus, how was she able to know/blame Grissom for her foster father's suicide? That seemed odd. And the whole part with her sister -- why did she kill her? And why did she keep killing others? How did they provoke her?

Plus the whole "is she dead or is she alive?" thing with Sara is stupid. I know that Jorja Fox is in negoations about her contract but if you're going to put a character in a perious situation, the idea is to resolve it by the end of the season. Otherwise it's lame.

Heroes was much better than CSI but I still have issues with it. One major oversight that ticked me off was Sylar's death. Yay for Hiro stabbing him, but he can rengerate, so stabbing him in the stomach isn't going to stop him. He stole that power from Peter after he 'killed' him and Peter got it from Clarie. And everyone just kinda of left him there and it's one of those "how stupid can you be?" moments where you start screaming and throwing things at the TV. Especially since you see the blood trail to the sewer cover -- you know Sylar's still loose. And what's up with pretty much killing Parkman, D.L., and Nathan? I'm about 90% sure that Nathan's dead since we all saw the big boom in the sky after he flew off with Peter. Another thing -- since Peter can fly, why couldn't he fly himself up there? Can two powers not work at once? Or could Nathan have flown him up there, left Peter flying, and flown out of harm's way?

Overall, I liked how all the heroes had to work together to kinda of stop Sylar and the big boom. And Molly and Micah are just cute. I'm also detecting foreshadowing with the bad guy whose "worse" than Sylar. I guess that'll be a season two thing along with how involved Mrs. Petrilli and Simone's dad are in the whole "NYC's going to blow up -- should we stop it or should we just leave town?".

House, M.D. -- now I'll admit I wasn't paying too much attention during this episode but it just seemed like a fairly normal case -- not a season finale. Same with Bones, though I can't help but wonder if Booth and Bones took the plunge and got hitched instead of Hodgins and Angela.

Criminal Minds wasn't bad. I liked how it had a neat twist at the end with the lady telling Emily Prentiss that she wanted to remove Hotch from the BAU. But the show didn't leave many loose ends, so I felt good that there was a bit of a resolution.

Numb3rs -- now is it just me, but what the point of making Colby a traitor after two seasons? That seemed pointless. If anyone's going to be a traitor make it be the newest member of the team. It's just stupid that someone would become such a major part of them and be such a good guy and then turn out to have been a traitor. I know that's what traitors do, but it should have been a more than one episode thing. It seemed like they ran out of twists and just came up with a random plot. If that's going to happen, foreshadow at least two episodes before. Then it's not as awkward.

Now what started all my finale complaints was worries at the third season finale of LOST. I've been watching it since the first episode premired and I've just been a little annoyed this season. Especially dragging out the whole "Charlie, you're going to die" storyline. Either kill him already or don't and stop all this nonsense! Don't get me wrong, Charlie is one of my favorites, but I'm sick of seeing him in limbo. He either should finally die getting everyone off the island or live and hook up with Claire. I feel really bad for her and Aaron if Charlie dies, but if he saves them, his sacrifice will be worth it.

I think I'm done ranting now. I'm going to go back to researching Watergate. Later!

rant, tv shows

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