Stupid things my family does... and other fun things.

May 20, 2007 17:33

Apparently, my dumbass sister moved away a month ago. She now commutes almost an hr to work everyday. That's not even the worst part -- she totally was ignorant to Aunt Deb. Saturday was Walker birthday and she was invited. Of course she didn't show, but she also didn't call and say that she was/wasn't coming or anything. She just totally blew off everyone and she never does that.

Not to mention she moved into a single room at you-know-who's house. Seriously, what's that about when your already stuck in a lease on a HOUSE, why would you move into a SINGLE ROOM with your in-laws? That makes no sense especially when she was very adament that no matter what, she was staying in the house.

Yeah and how my parents heard about this was from the lovely neighborhood gossip -- not from her. Hmm, can we say someone's avoiding us, especially since she moved back at Easter time? And that even though Mother's Day and daddy's b-day have both passed, she hasn't bother to call? Or to call the Walkers? That's just not normal.

I mentioned my new theory that she isn't just plain clumsy to mum and she seemed surprised, but she was thinking about it too. It's possible that that could explain all of her odd behavior, but even then... she needs to use her head a bit.

Thanks to allergies, I'm now loosing my voice. Sugar free cough drops taste rather... interesting. Not bad, but totally not the same as what I'm used to. Good thing I don't mind varied flavors of cough drops.

Which reminds me, I'm dropping sugar from my diet and I'm starting to run or bike every day. Starting tomorrow. I've got riding, so that counts. Tuesday I need to go for a run though. I was gonna go this morning but I couldn't move without almost puking...sooooo.....

Once again I'm a flake and someone's gonna hate me. I missed all three performances of the play  and I really wanted to go. I was also supposed to usher this afternoon and it didn't happen. I was too sick. Did I call anyone and let them know? Of course not.

When they ask, I'll just say I was sick and loaded with homework -- which is the truth. I have to go write three papers and then some. Luckily my laundry's almost done and we already went to the grocery story. I did finally get the 2007 Guide to Literary Agents and I'm broke until I do something with my paycheck. And now I'm either saving up for clothes for summer or some DVD sets. I saw the first two seasons of House, M.D. in a pack for $50 at K-Mart the other day. The problem is, I can't afford them for another two weeks, and that's if I don't buy anything by then. Unless I break the rules and keep most of this paycheck. It's only a $63 paycheck and I'm supposed to deposit at least half. But that $50 deal is too good to pass up. I might have to weedle money out of daddy. Just something like, oh, $20? A loan to be paid back when I get my next paycheck. Hmm, maybe.

Back to homework now...

homework, family issues, school, writing

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