First things off, how can people seriously claim to be Christian and then act like this? I know, 'judge not lest ye be judged', but seriously. Praying for someone to die and go to hell? I'm not the world's best Catholic, but years of religious education have at least taught me that I'm pretty sure that's not something Jesus would advocate. It's similar to what I saw happening after Senator Kennedy died. The article comments were all full of people saying things like 'I'm glad he's dead' and 'I hope he burns in hell'. Regardless of your own personal political views, I still feel that it's highly disrespectful to say such things, particularly so soon. And these people claim to be Christian.... Thank God Catholics at least seem to have much more sense than these people.
Back to the issue at hand, however. It's incredible all the hatred that has been going on recently, and especially the antagonism pointed at the president. I have to laugh after watching re-runs of the Daily Show (I had to catch myself up), mostly at the hypocrisies they're pointing out. According to Fox News (hold a moment while I gag), during the Bush administration it was an abomination to protest. It's anti-American, it's disrespectful, and the people doing it are all nut jobs. However, nowadays, with conservatives launching massive backlashes against health care reform, suddenly it's patriotic to protest and basically the 'right thing to do'. How ironic- when protesting serves the conservative line it's okay, but when it's liberals doing the protesting they're labeled a bunch of nut jobs who are un-American. Personally, I think these people going crazy at these town hall meetings are a little off, but I'd feel the same way no matter who was doing it in such a forum. If these conservatives want to picket outside of these meetings, great! It's their right to express their opinion- in the proper forum. These town hall meetings should be used as a place in which to rationally discuss arguments about this reform. Shouting and disrupting the meeting like these people have been doing is no way to get anything done. It's disrupting any rational discussion that could be occurring.
Also- what's with all the gun-toting lately? People have been showing up to these town hall meetings with some pretty serious firepower. I must be missing something, because apparently there's some relation between health care and the right to bear arms that's encouraging these people to be packing heat at these meetings. The right to bear arms is constitutionally protected, but let's be reasonable about it. There's no rational or logical reason to be carrying around half the shit these people are; most times, there's no reason to be carrying it around at all.
P.S. The guy in the video getting tased was hilarious- he was being a little bitch about getting stopped, and got what was coming. Note: when the cops tell you to do something, it's generally a good idea to do it. Argue about it later.