...cAPSLOCK kEY!!!

Jun 09, 2006 14:26

Anyway. I did say I'd be back on Teusday. But they let me in the computer rooms, the FOOLS! SO...now I'm bored and will fill this space with a recent email I sent to my dad.


"I know I've already replied to this, but I just need to say that the interminable net (inter-net, geddit?) still isn't working at home. The guy just told us stuff we already knew (like 'You're internet's not working') and left. I think they're coming back in sometime in the next few weeks. They'd better be, cos I'm going to be finished my exams in a week, so I won't be able to go online at school until the summer holidays are over. I can't go that long without going online.

"In other news, it's actually been rather hot here, weather wise. I've started going in to school without my jumper, which is abnormal. It's actually really nice.

"I've had a lot of my exams, I've only got three left. My non-calculator maths on Monday, Chemistry on Wednesday and Physics on Friday. My Calculator maths exam went pretty well, as did my English (I have three english exams. THREE!). I completely failed my (four) German exams, but I expected that. I didn't do as well as I wanted on Biology though. That sucked, cos my teacher thought I was going to do quite well, but I know that I haven't. Shite. ...What else have I had... um... nothing. I haven't had any other exams. I have a lot less exams than everyone else, because I dropped two subjects (Music and History).

"I'm still playing clarinet. I'm really enjoying it, actually. I'm practising a lot more than I used to, but it doesn't feel like a chore anymore. My clarinet teacher says I should join the orchestra next year, and do some grades. I think I will.

"Anyway, if your email is organised so that the newest ones are at the top, you wouldn't've seen that I've sent you another email. But I have. Please only reply once you've read that one. Oh, and I won't be online till tuesday, as I can't get online on monday at school.

Love you,

From gen."

Yeah, so that's basically my life. Joy. I'm actually pretty happy at the moment. Well, content. Hey, that's my mood! :D

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