(no subject)

May 02, 2004 12:42

1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

"...dirty and wrong but in the long run it really means i had a weiner with special sauce on..."

so obviously there was more explanation to this story but all in all my random sentence is pretty funny on its own! way to go me.. even though the weiner thing is referring to a flo's hotdog ! :)

umm so this week and weekend has been crazy- fri night was the first ever varsity and jv win vs sanford! way to go girls lax!sat i had SAT's which blew.. especially at like 8 in the morning-thanks clare for letting me follow you to shs.. i would have been lost! hten i had chads party where i was thrown in the pond against my will.. i definitely kicked and screamed all the way from chads garage to the edge of the pond, kicked justin grimes in the man spot like three times, kicked emm in the face once, and many screams and cries for help later no one saved me and i was swimming... definitely lost like 6 friends over this issue. thanks guys for saving my ass in my time of need.. oh wait you didnt save me.. you were standing there laughing, helping or cheering them on. thanks mr dickerson for attempting to save me (true friend right there) anyways i wasnt mad that i wnet in cuz it was funny and wasnt that bad its just that i was BEGgging them not to throw me in.. pleading with them becuase i ahd to go to work in liek an hour and.. ugh.. its just gay.. chads party was fun but it was a weird atmosphere- it didnt seem right and me being there made me uncomfortable.. whatever people change.. life goes on

then i went to work- worked with caralaude and ofudn out that caeser dressing has anchovies in it.. ew.. but alas i stilll looooove chicken caeser salad soooo.. fish or no fish im still eating the damn salad.. now im just sitting here in my room-havent showered yet and the sunburn from yesterday is setting in-ouch!

what sucks abou this weekend is that i didnt see miranda or lisa once this entire two days.. lisa call me if you still want ice cream tonite. im def. up for it! late folks. have a splendid sunday afternooon! xoxo..

PS: jake leech is home. yay!
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