when the sun goes down we'll go out again!

Mar 25, 2009 15:10

I was just thinking about how I haven't posted in forever and that I should, but really I have nothing to post about. AND THEN. Oh guys, I should just change my name to evemac. Or evemac. Because, along with the fact that most of what I link here is C&P'd from the 'gums, my favourite angry 59-year-old man, Gabe, just posted and in doing so just signed the ownership papers to MY SOUL.

(ETA: Apparently this video won't embed! Great.)
What he said:

This thing seriously looks scientifically designed to fuck up the hipsters' shit. Do the math. Spike Jonze + Arcade Fire + Nostalgia + Magic + Monsters + Divorced Moms + Snowballs + Scribble Font + Shouting Off a Cliff. Throw in a scene in which the Wild Things are pounding PBRs while complaining about their freelance graphic design jobs, and Williamsburg would be washed away by a tidal wave of you know what. Whatever, I'll take the train up there. Let's die together.

(Also, plus Dave Eggers' collaboration with Mr Jonze in adapting the script, PLUS music by Karen O and Carter Burwell.)

Having said (er, agreed with) all that, this looks like EVERYTHING I'VE EVER HOPED AND DREAMED IT WOULD BE, ONLY MORE. And I've been waiting for this since, what...2004?

I had a stuffed animal of that dude on the cover. He was always my favourite stuffed animal.

omgdudetotally, evegum, where the wild things are

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